Are You a Leftist A-Hole Who Still Waves Off the Notion That Trump is a Victim of Lawfare? – IOTW Report

Are You a Leftist A-Hole Who Still Waves Off the Notion That Trump is a Victim of Lawfare?

Matt Taibbi-

By now most readers will have heard that Donald Trump was disqualified from the ballot in the state of Colorado, by the Colorado State Supreme Court, for what amounts to a criminal offense neither proven nor charged. Fifth Amendment, Schmifth Amendment, apparently.

This is a major escalation of the lawfare phenomenon that’s zoomed from simmer to boil in the seven short years since Trump was first elected in 2016. The glee of #Resistance dolts like Robert Reich and Dean Obeidallah at this decision shows that this was a move dreamed up at the very center of the bubble-within-a-bubble-within-a-bubble that is the blob of the modern Democratic Party. 

What a crazy effing country this is.


A reader asks – “What’s to stop Texas from removing Biden over failure to enforce immigration laws?”

Exactly. This is what these assholes, like Rob Reiner, Jimmy Kimmel, and the rest of the late night talk show clownfarts, don’t understand. THEIR PARTY IS DESTROYING THE COUNTRY, not Donald Trump.

He should be reelected, and will be if the election is legitimate, to Make America Great Again.

12 Comments on Are You a Leftist A-Hole Who Still Waves Off the Notion That Trump is a Victim of Lawfare?

  1. Ahhhhh, let’s go easy on Leftists. The period between Thanksgiving & Christmas is especially HARD for them because it encompasses everything they hate; Christianity, capitalism, joy, light, generosity, and of course their own families.

    Nope, nay, nix, nada, NFW!

    Oh by the way, there are only six shoplifting days until Kwanzaa…

  2. And the idiocy and the stupidity of the left gets even worse. In today’s Federalist Papers there is a headline stating, Mara Gay: People criticizing Colorado Supreme Court ruling barring Trump ‘Stand with Confederates’. How stupid do you have to be to say this that if we stand for Trump that we’re now branded as Confederates. My contempt and hatred for the left knows no bounds. Maybe Trump should play Dixie at his next rally just to piss them off.

  3. I’m reading the four culprits are GAY AF. Crusaders for the LBGTXYZ movement. Apparently that transcends the constitution or their responsibility to up hold it. These assholes need to be made an example of. One way or the other. Anti American slime.

  4. The Left would see the breakup of the country as a win. They have been desperate for a civil war, since hopey-changey won the Democrat nomination. They’re going to push and push until they get the visceral violent response from conservatives they have sought now for fifteen years.

  5. In his other case to declare a President immune to all lawsuits at the Supreme Court, if he wins that decision will make the President a King. So if the
    Supreme Court rules in his favor America first sitting King will be, His Majesty King Joe Biden the 1st.

  6. Now Trump wants the Supreme Court to reject hearing Jack Smith’s request on Presidential immunity. Chicken? There can be only 1 reason for this. He wants to run the clock out with appeal after appeal. Too scared to get an answer from America’s top court right away, would rather play chicken little & run run run away.

  7. The left wants to play “je accuse” lawfare games?
    Ok, how about this…Accuse EVERY LibTard (DildoCrats and RINOs) member of Kongress of “J6 Insurrection”. By DildoCrat rules, we (the People) don’t have to prove that they DID the dirty deed, THEY have to prove that they DIDN’T. I.E., guilty until proven innocent.

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