Are you a psychopath? Take the test – IOTW Report

Are you a psychopath? Take the test


49 Comments on Are you a psychopath? Take the test

  1. I want the last 8 years of my life back, F**K Barry, his Moose, his spawn, and Mrs. Robinson who walks away with a 160K pension/year for taking care of an absent, transvestite Mother’s children and calling them her own.

  2. I don’t like multiple choice questions where all the answers are wrong, but I gave it my best shot.

    You show some Psychopathic tendencies, maybe you’re a little too charming or manipulative. But sorry, that just doesn’t cut it. You may be able to out-wit the average human, but put you up with the big leaguers and you’ll be running for the hills. Or the insane asylum. Whatever floats your boat.

    Works for me! (-:

  3. Not sure. I wanted to kill the author after question 3. Nothing was written in an exploratory manner, other than the self determining direction of such queries where the results are determined by the subjective and leading questions that are imposed.

  4. Okay… We finally finished it and it was an undertaking with all 9 of us using the keyboard at the same time. Apparently, we are all normal (dammit, we can’t all type at the same time AGAIN! Get off of my LAP, it’s MY TURN on the keyboard!!!).

    Yep, right as rain and hunky-dunky.

  5. @joe6pack
    #3 lost me too. Do you lie? Almost never wasn’t a response. When I do it’s only to keep from hurting someone’s feelings not to cover up for some misdeed I committed.

    if an old guy who is a physical mess, an
    Old friend recently committed to a nursing home asks when they will get out. Yeah. The answer is very soon
    I’m sure.
    He’s dying. I’m not the guy to tell him so, sure. I lied a lot today.

    Didn’t fit the quiz I think.

  6. I took one of these Alcoholic tests in the Readers Digest once.
    Do you look forward to a drink? Ans. Yes, I’m on my way home after a hard day and I’m looking forward to a cold Bud.
    Do you drink alone? Ans. Yes. I just cut the fucking lawn, there’s no one home, yes I’ll have a Bud…Alone
    Based on those two answers alone. I’m an alcoholic. Fuck off!

  7. @bad brad

    I like people conceptually. We need people. People who need people, as that genius Barbra Streisand pointed out so presciently.

    It’s the real life interaction that blows up my concept.

  8. News flash, the victim designation is based on how you treat your freinds. A lefty bull shit questionnaire. I’d walk through fire for a bud. I’m not sure I would consider that a weakness.

  9. multiple-choice tests, by their very nature, are designed to get the most normative results

    I scored a 7 as psychopath & 3 as psychopath-curious (whatever the fuque that is) … & 6 as normal …. guess what? … it said I was normal … go figure

    (btw, the statements were typical multiple-choice … a, b or c are so close that d is obviously psycho … so I went w/ the flow)

  10. … the ‘btw’ part was an ‘example’ … not every statement was lined up a, b, c, d

    Gawd, I hate explaining … but, it’s the Internet … gotta remember that not everyone understand my slant … even myself at times

  11. Sorry, you’re just normal. Hang with friends, chill at home, move on. That’s life. Well, kudos to you my friend. Just watch your back. There’s a lot of crazys out there.

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