Are You Brainwashed? – IOTW Report

Are You Brainwashed?

Take this test to see if you’re brainwashed-

Yes or No?

You believed Hillary was going to win.

You believe Trump was colluding with Russians.

You believe the Steele Dossier is factual.

You believed Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Schiff and others when they said there was evidence of Russian collusion.

You believe Trump wasn’t spied on by the Obama administration.

You believed Christine Blasey Ford.

You believe only white people vote for Trump.

You believe Trump said that the Covid-19 is a hoax.

You believe Trump called all Mexicans rapists and murderers.

You believed Trump wasn’t going to finish his term in office.

You believe a teenage boy harassed an American Indian at the Lincoln Memorial.

You believe Trump told everyone to drink Clorox.

You believe the picture of immigrant kids in cages was Trump’s doing.

You believe Trump was mocking a reporter’s disability at a rally.

You believe the ABC videos which showed “bombings in Syria.”

You believe Bubba Wallace was a victim of racism.

You believe Black Lives Matter is really about Black Lives when it’s really a Marxist movement.

You believe that Trump called dead military personnel “suckers and losers.”

You believe Hunter Biden’s laptop is a fake and the product of “Russian Disinformation.”

If you answered yes, you are a brainwashed moron.

ht/ pinko

26 Comments on Are You Brainwashed?

  1. I thought Hillary was going to win. Not from being brainwashed, but because everything was obviously rigged for her to win. Every world leader knew it, too. I’m so glad that President Trump didn’t think so.

  2. If you believe Democrats don’t commit massive voter fraud.

    If you believe COVID-19 is a naturally occurring disease.

    If you believe China is no threat to the United States.

  3. I thought it likely H would win and I couldn’t remember who Bubba Wallace is–otherwise I’m not brainwashed. I live in a household where one person puts MSM personalities like Chrissy Wallace and Leslie Stall on a pedestal and the TV influenced me. But I recall with a house phone in 2016 we got survey calls and I would sometimes start them and answer awhile–then when a question was obviously BS against DT I would get mad and quit. If I’d played along as Michael Moore just indicated savvy DT supporters do–but I was too outraged at the sudden inappropriate questions. I couldn’t just relax and even went to bed early election night–then was in DAZE. . . I get tons of Dimocrat literature as it wastes their time and money 🙂

  4. Great list of all the sheit the Democrats have done in the past 4 years, while Trump has been dismantling the Global Cabal.
    Who’s benefiting the most – the Fake Media, raking in Billions in ads.
    Bill Gates – $100,000,000,000 contract for tracking/tracing. That’s $300 for EVERY man, woman, and child in the US. Talk about wasteful spending.
    The so called Heath Care/ Insurance Fraud system. If your death is ruled to be Covid, the Hospital is paid in full by the government. I sure there wasn’t any false reporting.
    Not only must Trump win, but take control of the House and maintain control of the Senate, or Trump won’t be able to clear the swamp.
    If the Democrats gain control:
    Sweeping 1st and 2nd amendment legislation.
    Churches, especially Christians will be declared Militant Groups.
    First targets – Concealed Carry holders. Gun purchases in the past year. The elimination of ammo manufacturing, followed by gun manufacturing.

  5. The first question was fair — to those who were paying very close attention. Ahem. Many saw the same signs we’re seeing today with Biden: media (and FBI) coverup of scandals, not showing crowd sizes of Trump rallies, lying about Trump’s crowd sizes, not covering grass roots campaigning by Trumplicans, covering up Biden’s (then Hillary’s) medical issues and blatant mental deficiencies. On and on and on. Many saw these things and truly believed Trump would win.

    Don’t believe the polls right now. They are now trying to keep Trumplicans from voting by believing there are more than enough votes to carry him and their’s won’t be so important. VOTE by the most secure means you can find.

  6. Vietvet — You know I LOVE you, right? The Trump campaign knew they had the electoral win. It was their strategy from about June/July, ’16. The only way they could lose would have been election fraud, which was the one uncontrollable unknown. I don’t think he would say he believed Hillary would “win”. Cheat? Yes. Win? No.

  7. Actually AA – I was paying attention. 2016 was entirely different than 2020. Back then Trump was a complete unknown political outsider with NO record to run on. He had many republican skeptics and critics who were not Never-Trumpers – me included – that did not pay attention to polls, but had a pit in their gut that maybe he was shooting himself in the foot too many times. It had nothing to do with cover-up and mis-representation by the media. It had everything to do with what came out of his mouth and his Twitter feed.

    Quite frankly if you saw through all of that, you might ought to consider getting into the polling business yourself, because you have some very perceptive skills.

  8. “to those who were paying very close attention”

    In 2016 more people here were paying attention to Cruz than Trump. If you were paying attention to Trump you’re confidence was up.


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