Are You Exhausted With EVs? – IOTW Report

Are You Exhausted With EVs?

EV Truck Goes Vroom Vroom….

33 Comments on Are You Exhausted With EVs?

  1. You can make it sound like a Mustang, Charger, Silverado, or a Corvette… But, you can’t make it sound like a F150?

    What I hate most about EVs is the owners who defend them at all cost.

    Most of them are confused by oil changes, hence their elation.

    All their elation is negated when the wiper fluid reservoir runs dry, lol. Plus 720+ hours (30+ days) spent at charging stations over the course of 100k miles while picking belly button lint and toe jam.

  2. “What I hate most about EVs is the owners who defend them at all cost.”

    Built for Libtards. They can’t grasp reality. All the raw materials for those batteries are gotten with child slave labor. Once mixed they’re toxic as hell. We don’t generate enough electricity to charge 20% of the cars they’re mandating. What new additional power they’re adding come from coal power plants. Then when it’s time to shed ones self of the battery and get a new one they’ll find the new battery is probably what the car is worth at that point in time. Then there’s the problem with disposal of the battery. Someones land fill is getting real toxic.
    If you take the time to enlighten a Tesla pilot they stare at you with no sale signs in both eyes. Why? Because apparently I’m not CNN.
    I tried explaining this to some self-righteous clown driving a Tesla with plates that read “ERTH-HG”. The hypocrisy was kiling me.

  3. This was actually done in a Vince Vaughn movie. He played an engineer creating a sound system to make EVs sound like an internal combustion engine (because — the movie tells us — without that characteristic sound, they’re unappealing to customers), and his character has an affair with his partner’s wife.

  4. One more phony-baloney bullshit idea.

    Fake meat.
    Fake beer.
    Fake men.
    Fake women.
    Fake trucks.
    Fake cars.
    Fake flu.
    Fake vaccines.
    Fake boosters.
    Fake President.
    Fake Vice President.
    Fake borders.
    Fake money.
    Fake Legislature.
    Fake Supreme Court.
    Fake Federal Budget.
    Fake War in Ukraine.
    Fake United Nations.
    Fake Media.
    Fake Education.
    Fake Academia.
    Fake sports.
    Fake Palestinian “victims.”
    Fake outrage.
    Fake “micro-aggressions.”
    Fake hair.

    Satan cannot create; he can only imitate.
    And he’s imitating his ass off!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Right out of the Kevin James/ Vince Vaughn movie, “Dilemma”

    This thing needs more base. Kinda like women who try to be men.
    I expect to a couple of these around with rainbow stickers and dogs. Like Subarus.

  6. The powers that be have encouraged people to live a FANTASY in all aspects of their lives. The inability to separate fact from fiction leads to all types of societal problems. Example: in real life one doesn’t get up and have unlimited lives after being shot or blown up like in video games. Additionally, liberals advocating EVs do not have the ability to think beyond the “benefits” of the technology and consider the overriding negatives (financial, environmental, power requirements) involved in their production / use.

  7. Anonymous TUESDAY, 14 NOVEMBER 2023, 6:50 AT 6:50 AM
    HA! I immediately thought of that the first time I heard an EV drive past me in a parking lot making that “space ship” sound. Someone should create that sound and sell it for Tesla owners to program into their cars.

  8. @ Nowut Ameen

    “Let’s see the demo of a Lightning pulling a flatbed trailer loaded with 10 round bales uphill in a snowstorm.”

    No demo will be produced, but if it were, the Lightning would FAIL, but it would sound good.

  9. A guy bought one of these when they first came out, he was telling my daughter and SIL about it and how he hadn’t tried to pull anything with it and had not driven it more than around town yet and the 10 miles to his business everyday, that he was a little concerned though because it seemed he had to charge it more than he thought. So he didn’t know how it would do when he tried to go very far.
    My SIL told him that he could tell him from when he was a kid and had a power wheels. When it was new he play on the thing for hours before charging it, then the time he could drive it kept decreasing where it spent more time being charged than driven until in a short amount of time you couldn’t drive it at all and needed a new battery.
    He didn’t seem to find that funny. lol

  10. Ev’s are a nonexistent solution to a nonexistent problem. I don’t care if people want them and people make them as long as they do it with their own money. But to force me to pay for this is a fraud.

  11. The only positive I see in this is EVs are considered a hazard to people (pedestrians*) who can’t hear them coming.
    *and maybe bike riders, but many of them are assholes who should be run over anyway.

  12. Adding speaker sounds from an electric amplifier, shortening an already too short battery usage cycle. Way to go, LibTards!

  13. Isn’t the reason that ev’s….
    have engine noise or sound….
    is to prevent blind people….
    from stepping off the curb….
    and getting killed….????

    Why would you want anything….
    on an electric vehicle that uses….
    up your charge and reduces your mileage….????

  14. I have a lifted golf cart I use to pull my lawn sweeper, seed spreader, and even move my 1200 pound trailer around. 6 good ol’ fashioned lead acid batteries. It will run all day doing that.

    But that’s about all I’d be able to do with a Lightning. It wouldn’t make it to the end of my half mile driveway with a 16,000 pound RV.

    Real work requires a real truck.


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