Are you going to accept perpetual control over your body? – IOTW Report

Are you going to accept perpetual control over your body?

ht/ c. steven tucker

9 Comments on Are you going to accept perpetual control over your body?

  1. Well it’s working on millions of people. They’ve surrendered to the fear.

    My lifelong friend that has been living in Israel for the last 30 years asked me if I was on a crusade sending info about the Chinese flu lies and noting that Israel, of all cultures, was acting more fascist than almost anywhere on earth.

    At that point he had just had his 1st booster and this after getting so ill from the second shot that he told me he thought he was going to die. He said without it, he was not only not allowed to work, he was not allowed out! No grocery shopping, no visiting the kids, just isolation.

    But me questioning Israel was over the line I guess. This despite the mountains of evidence of the Chinese flu bullshit.

    I also noted that the Palis were not getting vaxxed up and that was because they know about the consequences of injecting the spike protein and are now just playing a waiting game.

    He followed the 100% every time way that REgressives deal with facts that don’t fit their narrative, that is by degrading the messenger. Was very surprised to see that as I had always thought him a solid.

    He’s conflated his government with his culture.

  2. Midterms won’t mean shit if the commies still run the polls and count THEIR ballots! I don’t think any change will happen until there is a shit load of BLOODSHED and we eliminate the commies within!

  3. And you will never be free, CDC just released a study that showed there was no difference in jabbed and non-jabbed catching it.

    So all the people who took it thinking it would keep them from getting it were lied to, all of the people who thought if they got jabbed they could work, shop, ditch the mask, etc. were lied to. That’s not even getting into those killed and injured by it.

    Folks it’s not hard to live your life free, don’t stay home, don’t put on a mask, guess what the majority did that here and lockdowns and masks ended pretty damn quick with the only places not stopping their bullshit being schools, a few businesses who are no longer in business and the damn healthcare field.


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