Are you ready for a game changer? – IOTW Report

Are you ready for a game changer?

“Russian Malicious Cyber Activity – Joint Analysis Report”.


President Obama’s administration released the ‘Joint Analysis Report’ which various politicians and media claimed to outline details of Russia’s involvement hacking into targeted data, computer systems, and political networks during the election.

Except it doesn’t.

Not even a little.


ht/ all too much

5 Comments on Are you ready for a game changer?

  1. Obama in December 2016 at a presser stated definitively absolutely there was NO Russian hacking, our Election was never affected, and that the whole suggestion was “just crazy”.

    Surprised that PDT and WH don’t keep that Obama statement ( he said it numerous times) on continuous loop until the press can’t

  2. I’ve thought all along that Donna Baby’s book was a way to cover up the Barfy Ovomit Regime’s illegal involvement in the last election … & numerous other malfeasance
    Clapper & Brennen are going to be on CNN declaring their complete innocence & the ‘evidence’ of PDJT’s collusion tomorrow … stocking up on popcorn

  3. I have never understood, and no one has been able to explain, how the Russians “hacked” any election. I can only speak for the state in which I reside, but I have seen the election process up close and very personal. NONE of it is web-based. None of it! It is not possible for anyone, in any location, to hack into voting machines because at no time are the voting cartridges tied to the internet.

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