Are You Ready For Some Rugby??? Sunday, 3 January 2016, 12:44 BFH Uncategorized 12 Woman’s (?) Rugby??? If you want to see this hit in action, read more. ht/ finai
It takes leather
ballsboobs to play rugby.Same result if you get between Rosie O’Donuts and the dessert bar.
Moochelle took up rugby?
The laws of physics in action.
Behold the glory of Feminism.
Some enterprising team is bound to sign up Bruce Jenner!
Ya *sure* ya aren’t interested in some
…more like leather MUFFIN TOP,
looking at that vid!
Woman is correct – See the hair getting whipped back and forth 🙂
It’s like a new version of girls on trampolines! 🙂
how many bales of hay does that mare eat?
chris kristy plays rugby?