Are you ready for the bloody revolution? – IOTW Report

Are you ready for the bloody revolution?


The Federalist-

The rapid radicalization of Democrats along these lines follows a ruthless logic about the entire premise of the American constitutional order. If you believe, as progressives increasingly do, that America was founded under false pretenses and built on racial oppression, then why bother conserving it? And why bother trying to compromise with those on the other side, especially if they reject progressives’ unifying theory that America is forever cursed by its original sin of slavery, which nothing can expiate?

Before you scoff, understand that this view of race and America is increasingly mainstream on the American Left. To read someone like Ta-Nehisi Coates, whose recent article in The Atlantic is a manifesto of racial identity politics that argues Trump’s presidency is based on white supremacy, is to realize that progressive elites no longer believe they can share a republic with conservatives, or really anyone with whom they disagree.

Coates has attained near god-like status among progressives with his oracular writings on race and politics, which take for granted the immutability of race and racial animus. So it’s deeply disturbing when he writes, as he does in a new collection of essays, that “should white supremacy fall, the means by which that happens might be unthinkable to those of us bound by present realities and politics.”

What does Coates mean by that? It isn’t hard to guess, and lately Coates isn’t trying too hard to disguise it. In a recent interviewwith Ezra Klein of Vox, Coates expanded on this idea. Writes Klein:

When he tries to describe the events that would erase America’s wealth gap, that would see the end of white supremacy, his thoughts flicker to the French Revolution, to the executions and the terror. ‘It’s very easy for me to see myself being contemporary with processes that might make for an equal world, more equality, and maybe the complete abolition of race as a construct, and being horrified by the process, maybe even attacking the process. I think these things don’t tend to happen peacefully.’

This is the circuitous, stumbling language of man who knows precisely what he wants to say but isn’t sure if he should come right out and say it. Coates isn’t alone in feinting toward violence as a means—perhaps the only means, if Coates is to be taken at his word—of achieving social justice. On college campuses, progressive activists increasingly don’t even bother mincing words, they just forcibly silence anyone who disagrees with them…

For a sincere progressive, almost everything that happened in the past is a crime against the present, and the only greatness America can attain is by repudiating its past and shaming—or silencing, if possible—all those who believe preserving our constitutional order is the best way for all of us to get along.

Seen in that light, the radicalization of Democrats is something qualitatively different, and much more dangerous, than the radicalization of Republicans. It means, among other things, that the culture war is now going to encompass everything, and that it will never end.

46 Comments on Are you ready for the bloody revolution?

  1. What will it be? : peaceful divorce between red and blue America or do we play cowboys and commies? I believe that they need war and they have to win it, because they require tax slaves to float all of the bad cheques that they write for their bad decisions.

  2. Blind obedience to the failed policies and ideologies of the past (FDR/ Johnson/Carter/Clinton/Bushes/Obama) leadership (including congress and the do-only Senate seeking to globalize).

    Kneel to the overlords, scum.

  3. “It means, among other things, that the culture war is now going to encompass everything, and that it will never end.”

    Oh, it will end. The questions are how? and how long will it take?
    And if you need to ask who will win this war, you watch too much TeeVee.

  4. “It means, among other things, that the culture war is now going to encompass everything, and that it will never end.”

    Nonsense. The culture war has “encompassed everything” for decades, and it *will* end, most likely after great violence. My greatest concern is what outside forces will take advantage of this internal (AKA “civil”) fighting – it’s no longer the 1860s – and enter to make things worse.

  5. “What the hell kind of a name is “Ta-Nehisi?”
    I believe it refers to the African American beverage coloqually called, “Purple Drank”. “Ta Si” meaning “grape” in many African languages and “Nehi” being the company who manufactures it.

  6. If Ta-Sheiki can find a slave-owner to torment he has my blessing.
    If he thinks he can loot my house, I’ll hand him his face.

  7. Ta-Nahisi sees racism everywhere but the mirror. Wikipedia says his “father” had seven children by four different women. No telling how many other baby daddies those four women had. Growing up like that, I can see how there would be a lot of rage in such a simple mind.

  8. No body is ever ready for The Revoluition™. The one that doesn’t turn into just another “terrorist act”.

    Advantage goes to whoever bothers to roll off the couch. That doesn’t bode well for American fascists.

  9. He wants to see a nation where Race goes unnoticed , so how the hell do you Dumb down enough to not notice differences in people ? For a Group of people who like to say we all move to our own drumbeat ,they sure seem to have a need to write all the songs !

  10. The French Revolution was a very messy, drawn out affair. To this day, historians are arguing about mass executions by drowning of men, women, and children based only on suspicion of counterrevolutionary tendencies. In some regions, up to half the population was murdered in systematic genocides.

    This was not a matter of guillotining a few thousand of the nobility. Anyway, most of them escaped the country beforehand. This was 10 years of chaos and mob rule.

    The France we know today was not born for another 40 years after the Revolution.

  11. “ elites no longer believe that they can share a
    republic with conservatives..”
    This statement misses the point
    that there will be no republic
    “to share” if these tyrants
    manage to steal the power they
    so badly want. The murdered cops
    are the “first blood” drawn by
    the BLM bolsheviks. Bloody war
    has already started, but most conservatives are still unaware,
    or bemused by such idiocy as the
    NFL squatters.

  12. I could be wrong, but I believe that “Ta-Nehisi” is a Swahili term meaning “one who speaks through his anus”.

    That’s a rough translation, but you get the picture.


  13. If this black man thinks that by getting rid of white people, or at least neutralizing white people’s influence and power, that “racial oppression” will disappear, then he has never listened to the denigration (!) of the dark-skinned by the light-skinned, and vice versa.

  14. Since you’re premise is that those who are follower of Ta-Nehisi Coates would be the revolutionaries that would be false. It wouldn’t be a revolution. It would be race war which wouldn’t last long. Once begun they wouldn’t be able to toss their weapons and melt into the rest of the population. All blacks would be the enemy and the war would only end with all of them being repatriated back to their country of origin. At gun point if necessary. Which to be honest with you should’ve been done immediately following the civil war.

  15. I don’t look forward to a civil war but the left will keep pushing their radical, Godless agenda on us until we stand up and yell “NO’! We have most of the guns and all of the brains so I predict a quick resolution.

  16. I’m very fed up with the attacks against great men of their day using a 21st century perspective. Columbus, Washington, Jefferson. How about all you SJW whiners consider what your lives would be like right now if you lived anywhere else and say, “Thank you,” instead to those who discovered, colonized, and created this incredible country.

  17. @This Texan Has Had Enough October 11, 2017 at 10:50 am

    > the left will keep pushing their radical, Godless agenda on us until we stand up and yell “NO’!

    Fifty years as official American policy. Fifty years before that as official European policy. Perhaps we’ll see the Great Decouchening when Mrs. Bates finally leans out her window and yells “Get off my lawn!”?

  18. What asshole blacktivists are doing is making people “woke” about why a system like Jim Crow may have been invented in the first place. My God, they just have no interest in sharing our society peacefully with anyone smarter and more economically capable than them, and, on average, that’s damn near everybody. We simply cannot have a peaceful, functional civilization with asshole blacktivist BLM and Anti-Fa types roaming around. They want to hurt real people over fantasy wrongs.

  19. “almost everything that happened in the past is a crime against the present, and the only greatness America can attain is by repudiating its past and shaming—or silencing, if possible—all those…”
    They mean like all the RINO’s in DC?

  20. This is the sort of “black activist” who is only happy at the more chic white, limo-leftist coctail parties surrounded by empty headed sychophants who have no idea of what his racist-babble means. Hi bio says that he was NOMINATED for a Pulitzer, damn near anyone can do that and being black he was already ahead of the game. It also says he’s a comic book writer and boasts that the april edition (2016) was the best seller for that month. He then left to create a spinoff which crashed and burned 6 issues in. Guys like this (of both sexes and all colors) have these masterbatory fantasy’s about a civil war in which they win and get some payback. I suppose he has a bit of a point. If LBJ had been shot back in 67 before he could start his supposed “war on poverty” Black Americans would be so much farther ahead then they are now. The inner cities wouldn’t be war zones with the matra “no snitching” ensuring murders get away, far more blacks would be well up in the middle and upper middle class now and education would be recognized as a tool to get ahead not a place to mark time.

  21. Something for Coates and others sharing his predictable philosophical trajectory (which is more like sullen wishcrafting of a toddler) to consider: Maximilien Robespierre did not die at home, quietly in bed.

  22. It would be a severely one sided war. One side has lots of guns, and know how to use them. The other side can’t make up their mind as to which bathroom to use. The aren’t sure if they are a boy or girl. One side is quite comfortable in the woods, at night. The other side would be pooping nuggets shortly after they lost cell phone reception. One side understands what 4WD means. The other side thinks it refers to the number of tires on their Prius. Oohh Nnoo, dem Poor Bat-Rastards have us surrounded.

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