Are You White and Want Monoclonal Antibodies? Get in Line Behind “High Risk Ethnicities” – IOTW Report

Are You White and Want Monoclonal Antibodies? Get in Line Behind “High Risk Ethnicities”

10 Comments on Are You White and Want Monoclonal Antibodies? Get in Line Behind “High Risk Ethnicities”

  1. I just saw an interview w/Dr Artis on InfoWars this week and she may have saved his life. There are a lot of issues with this treatment much like everything else authorized and this treatment along with Remdesivir was tested on Ebola patients and this Remdesivir failed completely but the antibodies also had a high death rate and the antibodies may damage a lot of tissue other than just the virus and leave you with long term health issues.

  2. @Hambone – the WEF/NWO Great Reset theme song:

    Through early morning fog I see
    Visions of the things to be
    The pains that are withheld for me
    I realize and I can see

    That suicide is painless
    It brings on many changes
    And I can take or leave it if I please

    That game of life is hard to play
    I’m gonna lose it anyway
    The losing card I’ll someday lay
    So this is all I have to say – FJB and LGB

  3. Sidebar:

    When I see that bichromatic cookie image I always think of the original Star Trek episode “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” from 1969. (Ouch! Has it really been more than a half century?!)

    Reference image:

    Bele: “It is obvious to the most simple-minded that Lokai is of an inferior breed.”

    Spock: “The obvious visual evidence, Commissioner, is that he is of the same breed as yourself.”

    Bele: “Are you blind, Commander Spock? Well, look at me! Look at me!”

    Kirk: “You’re black on one side and white on the other.”

    Bele: “I am black on the right side.”

    Kirk: “I fail to see the significant difference.”

    Bele: “Lokai is white on the right side. All of his people are white on the right side.”

  4. When I took my daughter to urgent care a few weeks ago for bronchitis with low oxygen (worryingly low but not dangerously low) and moderate fever, the attending physician told me that if her tests came back positive for the Xi virus, she would start monoclonal antibody treatment. She mentioned that because my daughter was listed as Hispanic she was eligible. I thought that sounded strange and suspected the Feds were applying race-based rationing. I guess I should identify as Hispanic, since my children are (through my wife).

    My daughter tested negative with both the rapid test and the pcr. There are a few other nasty pulmonary infections going around. She is fine now.

  5. ACParker, you bring up a point I hadn’t thought of – I’m extremely ethnic by marriage; proves we’re not racist white supremacist – that should get us to the head of the line, no?

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