Aren’t there any racists out there that can help out these black people who crave racist oppression? – IOTW Report

Aren’t there any racists out there that can help out these black people who crave racist oppression?

Navy: Black Sailor Staged Racist Graffiti Against Himself

A black sailor who claimed to be the target of racial slurs written on his bed actually staged the entire incident against himself, the Navy announced Friday.

Marquie Little first posted the pictures of the racial graffiti to Facebook on Nov. 15, stating, “I proudly serve the Navy and this is what I’m receiving in return,” but it turns out that Little himself drew the racial slurs, Navy Times reports.

Even though the Navy has exposed the incident as fake, the service nevertheless held training to emphasize that racism is not acceptable.


They held training to emphasize that racism isn’t acceptable when there wasn’t any.

Shaun King was seen nodding with approval.



22 Comments on Aren’t there any racists out there that can help out these black people who crave racist oppression?

  1. “And now I’m to be here looking like a bad guy for attention,” … he texted

    man, you just can’t make this stupidity up faster than these idiots double down on it

  2. 9″They held training to emphasize that racism isn’t acceptable when there wasn’t any.”

    But no action against the racists who do perpetrate the hoaxes. Oh, these things are so rampant that people have to fake them to bring attention to them.

  3. You want racism in the US Navy, Kitty Hawk, Tonkin Gulf Yacht club, Oct.1972.
    Look it up.
    Antiwar, my big ol’ white butt.
    It was Ferguson on a ship. Lies that snowballed.
    If racism is so common, how come they have to keep making it up?

  4. The problem with identity politics where victimization and oppression become badges of virtue is that in the absence of said victimization and oppression, it has to be manufactured in order for some to maintain their status

  5. Tsunami, we do it because we could. I loved it.

    Turds like the above? Never seen until Obola. I hung up my combination cover in 2007.

    Now I watch the debacle from the outside at work. The Chiefs have their work cut out for them these days dealing with the damage Obola did.

  6. Incident on my ship in ’73 – blacks were refusing duty and threatening whites -I was issued a side arm and told to shot anyone who didn’t know a password from climbing the ladder to the Bridge and the Captain’s at sea cabin. Had one sailor attacked (lost an eye) during scenario. Scary times folks and it was never reported to news sources to my knowledge.

    Captain was transferred and 25 other people discharged or transferred as well.

    A heck of a lot different than snowflakes “planting” graffiti — we still had people from big cities (who had participated in riots) who came in the Navy to avoid the draft to Nam and were bad news.

  7. Some of the guys from my squadron VF114 were on board the Kitty Hawk in Oct. 1972 (I was in boot camp at the time) and told me about the riots later. They told me that a lot of the black sailors rioted when it started down on the mess deck over some racial incident and got out of hand in a hurry with fights breaking out and worse. There was even talk of mutiny by some of the rioters. The guys from my squadron were scared for their lives because they didn’t know what to do and tried to stay out of it as much as possible. It could’ve been far worse, eventually they quelled the riot and brought charges against some of the rioters including the XO (he was black if I remember right) who didn’t have a clue about how to deal with it. The Navy ended shit canning both the Capt. and the XO for failure to control the situation in a proper manner and some of the black rioters were also charged with rioting etc. A smaller similar incident also occurred on the USS Constellation CV 64 our sister carrier but it didn’t get out of hand like the Kitty Hawk did. A lot of the problem at the time was that the Navy was forced to accept a lot of marginal sailors both black and white who were joining the Navy to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War. I met a lot of stupid sailors (most were good guys but the few dumb ones made up for the rest) both black and white who should’ve never been allowed to join the Navy at that time. And one last thing when you’ve been on an extended deployment in a war zone flying combat missions balls to walls pretty much non stop from early morning to late at night for seemingly endless periods the tensions run really high which was also a contributing factor. I’ve done that before and believe me after a week or 2 or 3 it gets old and very hard to deal with.

  8. They have it so good they have to make up shit. If I ran things for a year anybody doing this crap, or kneeling, or demonstrating with BLM would be sent to Liberia for 10 years. Then we’ll if they like living where no whiteys live. Now wouldn’t that make a good reality show!

  9. When my son was in the US Navy he was assigned to a submarine.
    I asked him, rather indelicately, if there were any “niggers” on board.

    His response was “No. We have black submariners, but no “niggers.””

    (I have always maintained a distinction between “nigger” and “black” – they are NOT synonyms)

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. (Cue the Sarah McLachlan music Camera shows a bleak picture of

    the future of the USA….Zooms in on Sallie Struthers)

    “For just a Dollar a Day, You can provide these non oppressed

    people , with their very own racist “


    They want sympathy so badly, they have to victimize themselves.

    I’m sure some of them have a Klan hood so they can put it on, shout racial epithets at themselves in the mirror, then take it off and cry. Repeat.

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