Argument Over Instant Oatmeal Turns Deadly – IOTW Report

Argument Over Instant Oatmeal Turns Deadly

Crackhead John Maki died after a five month struggle in a Pennsylvania hospital following a gunshot wound to the head inflicted by his equally drugged up wife Rachel Eutsey.

“It’s believed (the fight was) over the brand of oats that she purchased for him. Apparently he wasn’t happy over the traditional oats that she bought instead of the instant oats that he wanted,” state police Trooper Robert Broadwater told Pittsburgh’s WTAE-TV. More

11 Comments on Argument Over Instant Oatmeal Turns Deadly

  1. as long as it eatable, and i don’t get to sick or die, i’m good.
    there are very few things in life worth dying for, maybe about 5 to 7 things, and oatmeal is not on that fucking list.

  2. Oatmeal … Porkchops … er … PorkSTEAKS … (or whatever it was) … sometimes a man’s got to take a stand.

    You say “po-TAY-to; I say po-TAH-to” then I kill you!

    Green hats? Blue hats? I kill you!

    Don’t really need dope for that – BUT IT HELPS!

    izlamo delenda est …

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