Arizona AG: Kamala Harris Ignored Invitation to Tour the Border – IOTW Report

Arizona AG: Kamala Harris Ignored Invitation to Tour the Border

Neon Nettle-

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has slammed Joe Biden’s “border czar” Kamala Harris, saying she has ignored his invitations to tour the state’s border facilities.

During an appearance on Fox News, Brnovich said neither the Biden administration nor Harris has responded to his invitation for her to visit Arizona and tour the state’s border region.

The attorney general also spoke about the border crisis and the Biden administration response during a separate interview on Fox Business. more

7 Comments on Arizona AG: Kamala Harris Ignored Invitation to Tour the Border

  1. What would she have gained (for her and her side’s agenda) by touring it?

    Generally, an incentive -and definitely not a disincentive- has to be present to get someone to do what you want them to do.

  2. If the Open Boarders and Child Care Department wanted to slow the number of illegal aliens surging across the border, they could record and broadcast Kalamity’s Kackle at night across the Rio Grande. That might deter some of the smaller children. Until then, the future President* is too busy snacking and dodging to bother with the Full Catastrophe on the border.

  3. @ BigOwe: I can very easily see ALL (d) politicians and most (d) citizens quite willing to kneel before any being with power – human or otherwise. Too many (r)s too! They’re all probably practicing now. After all, the (d)s praised and protected slavery for most of our Nation’s existence. Why would they wish to stop now?


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