Arizona Antifa Defend Their Right To Open-Carry Toy Guns – IOTW Report

Arizona Antifa Defend Their Right To Open-Carry Toy Guns

Milne News

Back in March of 2017, website Free Market Shooter exposed the “Phoenix John Brown Gun Club”. To many observers showed anti-Trump “counter-protesters” that showed up to a pro-Trump rally in Phoenix, Arizona carrying what appeared to be fake firearms: More

16 Comments on Arizona Antifa Defend Their Right To Open-Carry Toy Guns

  1. “Sounds like a good way to get dead to me.”

    Their leaders don’t care and they don’t even promise these shitheads 72 virgins.

    The leaders won’t be caught dead holding a toy gun. Just like the imam mfr’s in suicide muzzie land. We’ll never hear the imam go boom.

  2. The irresponsibility is staggering.
    Lazlo the Eldest Elder told me once: Never point an unloaded gun at anybody.
    Lazlo is no firearms expert.
    If one of those retards pointed one of those toys at me I would come a fogging it.
    Then kill a bunch of poor idiot bastards, and have that on my conscience forever

  3. AZ is tactical handgun shooter central. I can supply countless training links from guys that know their shit. Antifa is a threat. Antifa with a weapon is a bigger threat. Fake or not, I may not feel I have the time to make the determination. I’ll win that in court. And if you’re less than a second out of the holster, concealed, to the first shot, one threatening wrong smart ass move can get you killed. Very stupid.

  4. Some of my favorite stories have a would be robber using a toy gun. Usually an airsoft replica of a real gun. Then they get 10 ringed by the assigned victim who had a real gun. That was loaded with real actual live ammo.

    Oh, those are the bestest stories.

    They almost always edge out Florida Man.

  5. Living near Chicago, this BB gun shit happens all the time and doesn’t end well. Apparently, word on the schtreet seems to indicate a big reward if you get shotted by the popo for having an air/airsoft gun.

    I don’t think it works out that way. But, if you want to practice your right to be a goof, who am I to complain. They say don’t bring a knife to a gun fight. I’d rather be last standing there with an edged weapon than a tinker toy, just saying.

    Here’s the latest goof, there’s one about every week or two.

    Another thing. I see many of these BB gun goofs get caught with Crosman 1377 or Daisy 717 pistols. Really? Are you that dumb? I’m not just talking about the goof criminal. The person that gave up their wallet and cell phone upon seeing one of those, how stupid can you be? A bolt action pistol, lol!

  6. A guy came into J&L Leather in Federal Way with foam ear plugs in and a Brico 380 (kinda a fake gun) and the owner was a steel shooter with a Delta Elite. Double tap, two inches apart, both in the heart. That is how damn good those combat pistol guys are. He was one of our wholesale customers and a great guy. Both slugs went through and through the glass front door and both front and back glass of a car parked in front of the store.

  7. Just remember the “reasonable man” test. If an antifa scum pulls a semi-realistic toy gun, they deserve what they will get. This is not some disarmed euro-weenie country. We carry firearms!

    Same thing goes for them lighting up the indiscriminate Molotov cocktail. A real quick way to end up in a zipped bag in a fridge with a toe tag.


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