Arizona Dem Senate Candidate Mark Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute – IOTW Report

Arizona Dem Senate Candidate Mark Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute

WFB: Court records contradict autobiographical claims of an ‘amicable’ divorce.

Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly made an odd request years after his 2004 divorce: The famed astronaut petitioned a Texas court in 2010 to sentence his ex-wife to 6 months in jail and 10 years of supervised release after she moved to a new town a few miles outside of their children’s school district.

The court records from Galveston County, Texas—which include recriminations from both sides and detail a lengthy custody dispute—show that Kelly claimed his ex-wife Amy’s move was a violation of their custody agreement.

The documents, which include a temporary restraining order issued against Kelly in 2004, appear to contradict his description of the divorce as “amicable” in his 2011 autobiography. The order was never served, according to Kelly’s campaign. more

20 Comments on Arizona Dem Senate Candidate Mark Kelly Wanted Ex-Wife Jailed Amid Custody Dispute

  1. Maybe Mark would like to throw his name into the hat for the first person to visit Mars and…..stay.

    I have no clue and not enough facts to make an accurate assumption.

    Just looking for a little humor.

  2. @Jimmy

    Like Female astronaut Lisa Nowak who wore a diaper to drive 900 miles in disguise to stalk her ex’s new girlfriend.


    Canada’s current Governor General who has had and expunged 2011 assault charge. Also an astronaut and sick in the head Cat Lady.


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