Arizona Democrat Charged In New Voter Fraud Case – IOTW Report

Arizona Democrat Charged In New Voter Fraud Case

The. Most. Secure. Election. EVER!

Conservative Brief: An Arizona Democrat and former mayor has been indicted on new charges related to voter fraud allegations stemming from the 2020 election.

Guillermina Fuentes was charged last year with returning four mail-in ballots that were not hers. “The Arizona attorney general’s office announced on Oct. 5 that Guillermina Fuentes was indicted for voting another person’s early ballot in the August 2020 primary election. She was charged with conspiracy, forgery, and a ballot abuse count,” FOX10 reported Wednesday.

The Associated Press added:

Fuentes, 65, a Democrat, is a former mayor of the border city of San Luis. She serves as an elected board member of the Gadsden Elementary School District in San Luis.

Calls seeking comment from her attorney in the earlier case, Anne Chapman, were not immediately returned.

The new indictment alleges that Fuentes obtained and voted another person’s early ballot and forged their signature. MORE

7 Comments on Arizona Democrat Charged In New Voter Fraud Case

  1. “…indictment alleges that Fuentes obtained and voted another person’s early ballot and forged their signature.” … wait what? AN OTHER PERSON’S? and she slipped 4 ballots in? I guess she normally gets three for being a wise latina …

  2. Yeah, right.

    We had one in Cincinnati once, a poll worker they caught dead to rights doing ballots for other people to help Obarry. They gave her 5 years, then after a token time made it “Community Control” instead.

    She’s a Hero of the Communist Party now. Here she is getting a big hug from Al Sharpton at a Party event while players in local politics publicly applaud her for committing fraud.

    So, if you’re a Democrat fearing time in prison, don’t.

    99% do not go.

    And those that do, don’t stay.

    You’ll be a hero afterwards.

    Like Melowese.

  3. O come on,just a honest mistake. Or, there you go you finally found 1 case of voter fraud, that will definitely change the outcome of the election. Now get vaxed, put your mask on & STFU.


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