Arizona GOP Files Lawsuit When Voter Rolls Way Over Inflated with Invalid Registrations – IOTW Report

Arizona GOP Files Lawsuit When Voter Rolls Way Over Inflated with Invalid Registrations

Washington Examiner

The Arizona Republican Party and the Arizona Free Enterprise Club filed a lawsuit against Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes.

Both organizations have accused Fontes of violating numerous issues related to the National Voter Registration Act, according to a social media post on X. The lawsuit concerns alleged discrepancies in the state’s voter registration system and allegedly ineligible voters on Arizona’s voter rolls. More

3 Comments on Arizona GOP Files Lawsuit When Voter Rolls Way Over Inflated with Invalid Registrations

  1. The bastards should be held personally liable for this kind of shit and the entity they work for barred from assisting in their defense or paying a dime if guilty.

  2. Our country is a fucking joke. Realign the current states into actual different countries. It’s the only chance of at least some places being worth a shit again.


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