Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs’ press secretary resigns after tweet about shooting ‘transphobes’ – IOTW Report

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs’ press secretary resigns after tweet about shooting ‘transphobes’

JTN: Democratic Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs’ press secretary resigned Wednesday after immense backlash for a now suspended tweet invoking gun violence against “transphobes.”

Hobbs’ former press secretary Josselyn Berry posted a GIF in the tweet from the 1980 movie “Gloria” that showed a woman holding two handguns.

The GIF was titled “Us when we see transphobes,” and it was posted Monday just hours after the school shooting in Nashville, Tenn., where transgender Audrey Hale killed three children and three adults. MORE

6 Comments on Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs’ press secretary resigns after tweet about shooting ‘transphobes’

  1. Berry was Hobbs’ mouthpiece – she was expostulating her boss’s opinion.

    Hobbs is the one who should have resigned.

    Isn’t incitement to violence against a certain group of individuals a crime?
    AND – since there’s no such thing as transgender there can be no such thing as transphobia.
    “Transphobes” is a euphemism for Christians and Orthodox Jews – it would also include moslems, but they get a pass.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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