Arizona Lawmaker Says Gov. Ducey ‘Knowingly’ Signed a Fraudulent Document, Requests Recall For State’s Certification – IOTW Report

Arizona Lawmaker Says Gov. Ducey ‘Knowingly’ Signed a Fraudulent Document, Requests Recall For State’s Certification

Gateway Pundit: President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Trump campaign senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis appeared before Arizona state lawmakers in a public hearing on Monday.

The hearing was chaired by Representative Mark Finchem (district 11) with a number of House and Senate members on the hearing panel.

RINO of all RINOs Governor Doug Ducey signed off on the certification of Arizona’s false election results mid-hearing.

On Monday Finchem issued a call to withhold the state’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden because “he believes there is enough significant evidence of fraud to invalidate the state’s votes.”

Now Finchem is calling on his fellow lawmakers to come together and recall Arizona’s certification.

“I believe Doug Ducey signed a fraudulent document and he knew it!,” Finchem said.


7 Comments on Arizona Lawmaker Says Gov. Ducey ‘Knowingly’ Signed a Fraudulent Document, Requests Recall For State’s Certification

  1. Sidney Powell has said Kemp and the SOS of GA are corrupt and took kickbacks or their family members received money for installing Dominion. She also mentioned there was evidence of one other republican governor. What to guess who now? And Ducey had the gall to be at all Trump’s AZ rallies.

  2. Hey….the dems profess their favor for ‘Most Popular Vote’….

    Let’s do it…..Without the shame, lying and deceitful, liberal crooked input—-

    We’d win by an oceanic tsunami ground-swell landslide.

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