Arizona Mayor Declares State Of Emergency For Border Town – IOTW Report

Arizona Mayor Declares State Of Emergency For Border Town

MAGAConservatives- Gila Bend, Arizona, Mayor Chris Riggs just put Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on notice declared a state of emergency in his town after he said the Biden administration ignored multiple requests for help to deal with the growing crisis.

He went on Fox Business where Neil Cavuto asked him, “Mayor, you’ve declared a state of emergency in your town. How bad is this getting? (See Video Below)

Riggs said, “Effective tonight at our council meeting, our emergency order will become official. After yesterday’s drop, it really showed we do not have the resources to handle all these people being dropped in on us by border patrol and that we need help. I have requested multiple times for information about assistance. I’m not getting it. The only other alternative I have is to declare an emergency and really try to force people’s hands to provide me with the resources I need for what the federal government’s doing to us.” more

11 Comments on Arizona Mayor Declares State Of Emergency For Border Town

  1. This is what happens when a election is stolen and turns a state that has always been red to suddenly deep blue.

    I feel for ya Gila, good luck getting any help from El Presidente Biden. This fraud wants to set up tent cities in Tucson for the illegals. 🤨

    Governor Douche better get his act together and address the situation, but we aren’t holding our breathe.

  2. Trumps also said if He doesn’t get re-elected, our economy will take a big fat shit.

    Many said long ago in Wilson’s time, “Don’t do this”… Well, you did…

    Progressives, and big business decided long ago you and yours are to be exploited.

  3. This is what happens when a election is stolen and turns a state that has always been red to suddenly deep blue.

    Miss Kitty:I feel for ya Gila, good luck getting any help from El Presidente Biden. This fraud wants to set up tent cities in Tucson for the illegals. 🤨

    Governor Douche better get his act together and address the situation, but we aren’t holding our breathe.

    I gave serious thought to retiring up and around near Flagstaff, but not in Flagstaff.

    Not looking good anymore given your state capital. I have zero representation in my home state here in CA, so shit…

  4. Gila Bend is a wide spot in the road at the junction of I 8 and the Phoenix bypass Highway 85. This smells to high heaven of Obozo tormenting a state that didn’t vote for him. Biden might as well be Bernie Kopell – he’s currently in charge of KAOS as Sigfried formerly known as the federal gubmint.

  5. My ❤️ heart breaks when I see how this state has been damaged by the Demonrat Party.

    I’ve lived in the desert all my life, you know up North isn’t bad, if you don’t mind snow. I may end up there someday, maybe Show Low in the future.

  6. What we NEED is for the military to arrest the entire communist biden admin for treason and sedition re-instate Trump and use the National Guard on the border the shut that shit down!

  7. Gila Bend — The hottest place in America not named Death Valley. It’s so hot there, the residents come to Phoenix to escape the summer heat

    Its not quite a border town either

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