Arizona Newspaper’s Loony Endorsement- Clinton’s flaws are much more minor compared to Trump’s temperament – IOTW Report

Arizona Newspaper’s Loony Endorsement- Clinton’s flaws are much more minor compared to Trump’s temperament

Look for this paper, The Arizona Republic, to be going out of business. I can hear them playing taps right now.

This is a right-wing paper. They haven’t endorsed a democrat in 126 years.

Any right-winger who could say Clinton’s flaws are minor (STOP! Doesn’t matter who you are comparing her to) is a nutball.


14 Comments on Arizona Newspaper’s Loony Endorsement- Clinton’s flaws are much more minor compared to Trump’s temperament

  1. You never know with AZ. They keep voting for John McCain. The guy’s a loon.

    It was McCain’s criticism of Arizonans at a Trump rally, that made many Americans (including me) take another look at Trump in the first place.

    This paper may just have guaranteed that every Arizonan votes for Trump.

  2. 126yrs,now owned by a large New York based corporation I would guess,that leans on the editor like how the Mafia would lean on a small time bookie who is late on vig payments. Either pay or your children go through life blind.

  3. I get this paper daily, mainly for the sports section (think USA Today Lite). Any score after 9:00 PM is “too late for the morning edition.”

    Sunday I read the editorials. They still have one mainstream Republican editor (Robert Robb) and 2 Libtards (EJ Montini and Laurie Roberts).

    In the 5 years I’ve lived here, it’s like the Manchester Union Leader has become NH’s NY Times.

    I’m paying 12 bucks a week for my wife’s crossword puzzles and a few grocery coupons.

  4. Non-Muslim in answer to your question:the typical member of Genus Libtartass believes they gain a elevated sense of smug moral self-righteousness thus signaling their superiority over less evolutionary evolved members of the Genus. Particularly members of the opposing species: Conservative Intelligences an interesting species in its own right. Mainly their self restraint of not removing Libtartass from the ecosystem due to their respect of others beliefs. It remains to be seen if this is a self defeating trait.

  5. I’ve lived in AZ for just over 20 years now, and I haven’t subscribed to a newspaper since the Phoenix Gazette went out of business. The Arizona Republic is owned by Gannett, and as such is a “republican” paper in name only.

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