Arizona Sen. Paul Boyer voted with the Democrats to block enforcing the Audit – IOTW Report

Arizona Sen. Paul Boyer voted with the Democrats to block enforcing the Audit

I hear his voice mail is full.

15 Comments on Arizona Sen. Paul Boyer voted with the Democrats to block enforcing the Audit

  1. You know what? When I hear a republican say that the election wasn’t stolen, no proof, no this, no that, I see a person who doesn’t believe they won their seat, legally.

    If the AZ republicans don’t believe they cheat, let them explain McCain.

  2. Bush/Sdros team got Dominion is many liberal GOP states! AZ + GA are the 2 that made news. AZ in particular as Rove let his liberal friends at Fox know “the fix is in” and they called AZ 3 weeks before the rest of the FAKE NEWS did. Inside info!

    GWB’s liberal warriors are still fighting for he and Slros!

    As are Adam H and the Bakersfield Bolshevik in the house! Ask Liz

  3. Does that phrase incite ‘insurrection’??

    Cause I’ve heard a myriad leftists chant it, carry on placards, and repeat it on the nightly news as if it’s a tenet of our legal system.

    Someone in AZ needs to get in this jerk’s face for a ‘discussion’ that the media couldn’t resist televising.


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