Arizona Senate study estimates 200k ballots counted in 2020 with mismatched signatures – IOTW Report

Arizona Senate study estimates 200k ballots counted in 2020 with mismatched signatures

Estimate is more than eight times the number of mismatches acknowledged by the county.

8 Comments on Arizona Senate study estimates 200k ballots counted in 2020 with mismatched signatures

  1. If only there was someone in the law enforcement community that wasn’t already compromised. We could be great again if we weren’t so corrupted. I hope those TRAITOROUS BASTARDS have nightmares for the rest of their shit eating lives!

  2. If Arizona was that bad, Nevada had to be 5 times worse.
    There were more mail-in ballots floating around in Vegas than tourists.
    Seriously, I can still picture that design of the envelopes.
    They were in garbage cans and ditches.
    Likely printed 10x the population.

    I can’t remember the exact day it dawned on me that a legitimate election had no chance, but that day was extremely depressing.

  3. Okay. What’s next?

    These stories have become analogous to

    Neighbor: “Hey, Bob! Your house in on fire!”

    Bob: “I know. I see the smoke and flames!”

    Neigbbor: “Well, DO something!”

    Bob: “What should I do?!”

    Neighbor: “Holy cow! What do you mean, ‘What should I do?’?! Are you nuts? Call the fire department!”

    Bob: “Why should I call the Department of Fire when I’ve already got plenty of fire?”

  4. @joe6pak February 28, 2022 at 11:20 pm

    > We could be great again if we weren’t so corrupted.

    The signs over the tables, are all the same. “Heads we win, tails you lose.” Because the tables are all run by the same crew.

    How are you “corrupted”? “Deceived”? “Tyrannized”? If you sit down? And put your money? On their tables?

    You… they… are what they are. What they want to be. Even that legal immigrant, Jesus, wouldn’t change a thing.

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