Arizona To Promote California As Sanctuary State – IOTW Report

Arizona To Promote California As Sanctuary State

PHOENIX, Arizona (World News Bureau) – Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Tuesday praised California’s “courage” in pledging to ignore the incoming Trump administration’s plan to deport illegal immigrants with serious criminal records. Gov. Ducey added that unlike California, Arizona will “enthusiastically” comply with any upcoming federal immigration actions.  MORE

16 Comments on Arizona To Promote California As Sanctuary State

  1. HA! Someone in the Arizona administration must have watched the South Park episode about the town of Evergreen, Colorado extolling the virtues of South Park so all their homeless people would move there. I suggest all red states do the same.

  2. When that sinking skyscraper, Millenium Tower, in San Francisco comes tumbling down, killing thousands in san francisco, i hope Pelosi is there to guide rescue efforts. Since they want to go it alone, I want them to ferret out how to survive without taxpayer money from the other states. Let them stand alone, all alone, the dying country of California. They can name San Fran Nanny as their queen, Regina Vagina, and sink into the abyss. That will get the old hussy out of the House of Reps, finally.

  3. Some horrible person should change all the road signs on roads leading into Mexico from Arizona to read “California.”

    Once there, it will probably take the ex-illegals a month to notice that they *aren’t* in California, when their Free Shit checks don’t show up.

  4. I keep begging my family to get the hell out of Cali but no luck yet. Heard US Rep Mclintock on radio this morning saying that if Cali stays on its current path it will become just like another Detroit.

  5. Higher than average income earners are leaving the state as fast as they can. Being replaced by subsistence income earners who go on the dole. THAT is not going to end well. Now, if we can force those who voted for the insanity to stay there, the world would be a better place. Instead, insane California voters move to other states and infect the locals with failed California ideas.

  6. Used to be proud to be a native of the state. Now I’m ashamed and angry as hell. The stupidity going on is beyond belief.
    This is all due to foreign invasion by elite rich bastards and the tech companies and their lunatic managers.
    Those in the outlier parts are being screwed over. Believe me there are many good people here who have been trampled on by left wing liberal scum and it keeps getting worse. We need help for a conservative movement not abandonment!
    I’m all for Trump cutting funding to calif to drain THIS cesspool! It’s way overdue!

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