Arizona Tribe Leaves National Border Wide Open – IOTW Report

Arizona Tribe Leaves National Border Wide Open

Judicial Watch

An Indian reservation along one of the most perilous sections of the Mexican border won’t allow National Guard troops to enter its land, which is a notorious smuggling corridor determined by the U.S. government to be a “High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA).” Sources inside the U.S. Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies working along the Arizona-Mexico border tell Judicial Watch that the tribe, Tohono O’odham Nation, has banned National Guard troops deployed by President Donald Trump to help crack down on a crisis of drug smuggling and illegal crossings along the 2,000-mile southern border. “They told us they don’t want white man on their land,” said a high-level federal official working in the region. “The agency, of course, is going to cater to that.” More

38 Comments on Arizona Tribe Leaves National Border Wide Open

  1. Cage the animals in.
    They want to be their own nation then so be it. If they try to leave the reservation, stop them at the “border” and turn them back.
    I’m just getting tired of everyone getting what they want and the US getting screwed.
    Ef Syria, bomb the reservation… only half sarc.

  2. Perhaps their aware of what trusting the white peoples government has done for the American Indian in the past. In some ways you can’t blame them for being cautious about Washington’s true objectives and plans.

  3. So who’s being paid, by which cartel and how much they being paid…

    Kinda like the No Fans Left League trying to improve relations and fan participation…

    Give them some infected blankets

    Does this post make me a racist? Never mind, I’m white, therefore yes.

  4. @Perry April 15, 2018 at 2:16 pm

    > Perhaps their aware of what trusting the white peoples government has done for the American Indian in the past.

    That is SOOOOOOOOO racist! Since the second Columbian federation, The Party has been lying to, stealing from, and gleefully killing the “white” man, just like the “red” man. The only difference is that Columbia golf clapped for the “white” men killing their “red” men, but not the other way. Meh, kayfabe.

  5. Most of you guys beat me to the best solutions. But if those ideas aren’t practical…armed drones above their land. They must be paid well by the drug runners and coyotes. I’m tired of the $h*t. And, yes, no more gov handouts.

  6. Time to form an all-Indian Arizona National Guard unit to patrol that territory, then. They want to be a sovereign nation opposed to our laws, so treat them like one: cut off all commercial trade between the U.S. and the reservation. Let them get their food and firewater from Mexico. Issue passports and implement travel restrictions. Etcetera.

    One final thought: I wonder if they are receiving any U.S. Government welfare money…


  7. Stop the food stamps, freeze any gambling revenues and any other government largesse. They do well enough from the kickbacks they’re getting from the smugglers anyway.

  8. Horse shit. Conquer them again if necessary. Prosecute the whole tribe for aiding and abetting drug smugglers. Kick them right in the sacred balls and get the wall built.

  9. They’re getting a cut of the drug money. Build the fence on either side til they get so much of a stampede they get overwhelmed. Cut off their welfare. It’s 2018 FFS. They can go claim Mexico from the other side. Fuck em.

  10. It’s 62 miles of border. The ‘nation’ itself (San Xavier not contiguous) comprises about 44K square miles +/-, with its headquarters where they do business with the white man up in Phoenix/Mesa, listed as Papago.

    They can’t have it both ways. It’s a vulgar saying, but it’s time for them to either poop or get off the pot. Ceding to Mexico would not be a good deal for them. Considering the recalcitrance, it might not be a bad one for us.

  11. The Sioux tried that crap a few years back.
    So when they had two feet of snow, the county plowed up to edge of the rez and turned around.
    The tribe was on the phone “Hey our road isn’t plowed!”
    The County advised them to buy a snow plow like all the other Nations do if it snows where they are.
    Cut their electricity, and EBT cards, they will beat the drum and pretend they won and slink off

  12. In 1972 the Marine Corps in conjunction with the Bureau of Customs operated an early warning radar site to interdict air smugglers on that reservation for about 3 months. I wonder what has changed.

  13. Uh…who won in the fight over the North American continent?

    Am I mistaken? Did the white man lose?

    Damn this shit. Reduce their fuckin’ reservation to one acre and watch the red bastards scream.

  14. @Perry April 15, 2018 at 2:16 pm

    Perry, you talk like a GD pussy. I don’t give a crap about what the white man’s government did 150 years ago. What is important is the here and now. Our America is in an existential fight with enemies like this Indian tribe and Mexico. Fight with us or get lost.


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