Arizona Won’t Extradite Murderer to NYC’s Alvin Bragg Because He’ll Just Let Him Go – IOTW Report

Arizona Won’t Extradite Murderer to NYC’s Alvin Bragg Because He’ll Just Let Him Go


Extraditing a murder suspect from one state to another is usually pretty standard. But in a strange case marred by politics, a district attorney in Arizona is refusing to cooperate with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg as he aims to have a murder suspect moved to New York to face charges of having bludgeoned a woman to death with an iron. “Having observed the treatment of violent criminals in the New York area by the Manhattan DA there, Alvin Bragg, I think it’s safer to keep him here and keep him in custody, so that he cannot be out doing this to individuals either in our state, county, or anywhere in the United States,” Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell, a Republican, told reporters Wednesday, per theĀ New York Times. Bragg, it should be noted, is an enemy of former President Donald Trump.


8 Comments on Arizona Won’t Extradite Murderer to NYC’s Alvin Bragg Because He’ll Just Let Him Go

  1. In other New York City News that just happened
    msNBC and New York Bankers have teamed up to figure out how to steal Russia’s Monies in the Stocks and Derivative Markets.
    They have their Eyes on about $300 Hundred Million THEY have identified so far through Andrea Mitchells msNBC Public Relations and Bankers of Americans Departments.

    I hope Putin gets them first.

  2. Alvin Bragg is another expendable affirmative action black democrat DA being used and he is too stupid to figure it out. That is why he was chosen to go after President Trump. In time President Trump will prevail and Alvin Bragg will go to jail for something completely unrelated to President Trump. He is going to regret trying to make a name for himself.


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