Arkansas Dem Josh Mahony Hires Avenatti PAC’s Former Treasurer – IOTW Report

Arkansas Dem Josh Mahony Hires Avenatti PAC’s Former Treasurer

Avenatti now facing charges of extortion, tax evasion, embezzlement, and more

2 Comments on Arkansas Dem Josh Mahony Hires Avenatti PAC’s Former Treasurer

  1. Last election Cotton beat the Democrat incumbent by 17% so I don’t think it matters who is running Mahoney’s finances it won’t help or hinder his coming defeat. I will say though, it’s nice to have something like this in the back pocket in case anything dodgy comes up finance wise Cotton can point to Gray as running a PAC for Hillary with dodgy financials and now one for Mahoney and then question Mahoney’s judgement. Hell, do it anyway just for fun.

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