Arkansas needs people to watch upcoming executions – IOTW Report

Arkansas needs people to watch upcoming executions


Arkansas lawmakers are struggling to find enough volunteers to watch 8 death row inmate executions scheduled to happen in April.

An interesting state law requires 6 to 12 witnesses per execution to ensure that it’s carried out, but not enough people are stepping forward to watch.

A Department of Correction spokesperson says they’re taking informal approaches to find witnesses, but they’re confident they’ll find people in time.

At a Little Rock Rotary Club, the Director of the DOC hosted a presentation, and then casually asked the audience if anybody wanted to come watch the executions.

The Club’s President said:

“Temporarily there was a little laugh from the audience because they thought she might be kidding… it quickly became obvious that she was not kidding.  It’s a very sobering thought.”

If you want to volunteer to watch, you can write to the DOC director:  MORE HERE

27 Comments on Arkansas needs people to watch upcoming executions

  1. All they have to do is tell people the State will waive their car registration fees (or some similar minor tax) for the next year. Throw in a couple of free lottery scratch-offs, and they’ll have witnesses out the wazoo.


  2. I made it to the final phase of jury selection for the Dylann Roof trial. Had I been selected, I would have voted guilty. I would have voted death. And I would have volunteered as a witness to his execution. No problems.

  3. It’s execution by lethal injection, something that occurs everyday everywhere, especially in cities. Recruiting addicts to watch a state sanctioned OD should be easy.

  4. John & Ken on KFI talked about possibly going to Arkansas for the duration to witness all the executions. They should broadcast them live. Maybe have it in a circus atmosphere like they did with the debates last year.

  5. I read the headline too fast and got excited thinking Arkansas was asking for volunteer executioners.

    For witnesses I agree any public venue would do. Scene of the original crime/s seems fitting.
    Courthouse steps at noon also suits me.

    I’m for bringing back public gallows. The visual makes a useful reminder to the simpleminded.

  6. For real justice to be done in this country the executions would be public and you wouldn’t need to worry about how many witnesses there were. I also think they should be hangings, not some easy way out like lethal injections.

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