Armed Woman Makes A Citizen’s Arrest In Oregon After Man Is Caught With Matches, Possible Arsonist – IOTW Report

Armed Woman Makes A Citizen’s Arrest In Oregon After Man Is Caught With Matches, Possible Arsonist

This is why we have the right to bear arms, to protect ourselves and our property. This possible arsonist complied and immediately got on the ground when ordered by the property owner because she had a gun.

He was armed, weirdly, with a box of matches, wandering out through the hedges. There have been many arsons in the Portland area, with some speculating that it is Antifa.<—-ht/ HW


ht/ Jethro

20 Comments on Armed Woman Makes A Citizen’s Arrest In Oregon After Man Is Caught With Matches, Possible Arsonist

  1. I always try to explain to lefties that a 110lb woman with a Glock or Sig is just as powerful as a 210lb male with a gun. (More powerful if he is carrying a pos Taurus or Beretta)

    But they do not understand the concept.

  2. @LCD ~ yeah, saw that …. actually, on second thought I don’t think the police will even press charges … don’t think open-carry of matches is illegal

    & yes, we all feelz the guy is guilty … or soon-to-be guilty

  3. She should have shot him and called it a day. And lit a match by his hand. He was going to burn me out. Put me on that jury.
    What most here do not know is when push comes to shove when you get out of Portland people do not put up with this crap.
    Its coming, the end of this will not be pretty.
    Same thing in Washington state we have had it.
    They need to be beat with in a inch of their lives,and then they will calm down.
    And it has to start soon.

  4. I’ve been following the Snohomish County Scanner more since this fire bug insanity started. Last night in Everett, two people (Black male, Hispanic Female) ran from a semi truck in an industrial area. They were attempting to light it on fire-intentionally-the scanner said. No report on if they were caught or not. 😠


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