Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to ‘protect’ Clinton – IOTW Report

Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to ‘protect’ Clinton

FOX: American arms dealer Marc Turi, in his first television interview since criminal charges against him were dropped, told Fox News that the Obama administration — with the cooperation of Hillary Clinton’s State Department — tried and failed to make him the scapegoat for a 2011 covert weapons program to arm Libyan rebels that spun out of control.

“I would say, 100 percent, I was victimized…to somehow discredit me, to throw me under the bus, to do whatever it took to protect their next presidential candidate,” he told Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge.

The 48-year-old Arizona resident has been at the epicenter of a failed federal investigation led by the Justice Department spanning five years and costing the government an estimated $10 million or more, Turi says.

Turi says the Justice Department abruptly dropped the case to avoid public disclosure of the weapons program, that was designed to force the ouster of Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi during the 2011 Arab Spring.

“Those transcripts from current as well as former CIA officers were classified,” Turi said of the evidence. “If any of these relationships [had] been revealed it would have opened up a can of worms. There wouldn’t have been any good answer for the U.S. government especially in this election year.” The Justice Department faced a deadline last week to produce records to the defense.

Turi says he was specifically “targeted by the Obama administration “and “lost everything–my family, my friends, my business, my reputation.”  MORE

2 Comments on Arms dealer says administration made him scapegoat on Libya operation to ‘protect’ Clinton

  1. Supporting and Arming muslim terrorist organizations was Obama’s and Hillary’s plan all along.
    Their treason, breaching National Security, lies and obstruction of justice has been deemed by the FBI as non-indictable.
    Any doubt the fix was in from the start? No, I don’t think so.
    Comey and the FBI are complicit in this crime spree. No honesty, No integrity, No Justice.

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