Army chaplain faces possible court martial over religious beliefs on marriage – IOTW Report

Army chaplain faces possible court martial over religious beliefs on marriage

BPR: An Army chaplain at Fort Bragg in North Carolina is facing possible court martial and prison time for “dereliction of duty.”

His crime?

Chaplain Scott Squires was allegedly unwilling to conduct a marriage retreat that included same-sex couples because of his personal religious beliefs, according to Todd Starnes.

Squires was officially accused of discrimination after an Army investigator under the command of Major General Kurt Sonntag recommended that he be found guilty of “dereliction of duty” because he took three business days to reschedule the “Strong Bonds” marriage retreat.

“I simply did what I’m required to do under Army regulations and my endorser’s rules,” Squires said. “I am shocked that I would even be investigated, let alone threatened with punishment, for following the rules.”

The decorated chaplain is endorsed by the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board whose policy expressly prohibits chaplains from conducting “Strong Bonds” events for same-sex couples.

“Endorsed chaplains will not conduct or attend a wedding ceremony for any same-sex couple, bless such a union or perform counseling in support of such a union…nor offer any kind of relationship training or retreat, on or off a military installation,” the policy states.  more here

10 Comments on Army chaplain faces possible court martial over religious beliefs on marriage

  1. I’m growing weary of all the crap continuing with anti Christian bias, internet censorship, media propaganda, gun control, crooked courts and there being NO organized resistance by conservatives. When will a million citizens march on Washington for any of the above causes? Internet censorship should be the last straw but it won’t and no one will do jack.
    Don’t tell me Trump will save us. He can only do so much.

  2. Sounds to me like Major General Kurt Sonntag is a ball less butt plug that wears a pink beret. It’s the Army you gutless puke, if you want to hold hands with boys, go to San Francisco.
    How can anyone advance thru the ranks,,,, oh, wait. Obama got rid of all the good leaders so the yes men could finally move up. OK Kurt, you time is up. We have a real Commander in Chief now.

  3. Another anti-Christian attack on civil liberties. We made allowances for Islam at every turn under Obama, to the point that we burned Bibles but held the Quran so sacred that people had to wear gloves as to not defile the so called Holy book. Gays are looking for people to accept that gay marriage is equal to and on par with heterosexual marriage. It never will be, and they cannot accept that, but they want everyone else to live under that delusion or be punished.(Kind of like trans people stating that heterosexuals not wanting to date them is bigotry and discriminatory.)


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