Army Considers Return to Gendered Fitness Test as Equality Experiment Fails Miserably – IOTW Report

Army Considers Return to Gendered Fitness Test as Equality Experiment Fails Miserably


The U.S. Army’s transition to a genderless fitness test appears to have backfired. We can file this one under “extremely predictable.”

According to a report, “early data shows nearly half of female soldiers can’t pass the test and might face being removed from service once it becomes official next year.”

The Army is now considering a return to gender-specific fitness standards.

The new Army Combat Fitness Test goes all out on gender equality, leveling the playing field and measuring women on the same scale as their male counterparts.

Of course, this effort to treat men and women as physical equals has only shown how different they actually are. more here

18 Comments on Army Considers Return to Gendered Fitness Test as Equality Experiment Fails Miserably

  1. You can ignore reality but you can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality-Ayn Rand

    Anyone seen that Russian Army ad that was viral last week? I don’t speak Russian but I’ll wager these guys were definitely not talking about inclusion or diversity.

  2. This is great. They show their incompetence on so many levels. Doesn’t matter, it will take years to undo what they’ve done. We’re ripe for an invasion.

  3. One more thing, Sodom and Gommorrah, we know the reason why they were destroyed, our times are no different. I’ll sit back and wait for God to destroy us. In the big picture of things, I hope Jesus comes quickly.

  4. I suspect these Physical Training results explain why the Army is recruiting Men who think they’re Women competing in Women’s sports.
    Is it diversity or just plain perversion of the high standards of the Army?

  5. Which is worse?

    Dumbing down the ACFT so that it’s not “unfair” to women? OR

    Giving women an easier test so that equal standards don’t make it “unfair” to women’s combat ambitions?

    Someone please explain to me why we need to waste the edtraordinary amount of time, effort and money it costs to promote women’s military careers? The problems go so so so so far beyond physical standards that it’s got to the point of nauseating at the inanity.

  6. And another thing:

    The new ACFT was carefully crafted to be MOS-specific. Bona fide skills test. Now and again, a few women can hack it. Why is that not sufficient.

  7. It doesn’t really matter what they do with the ACFT or if they even have one at all. Elements that made our military bad-ass; toxic masculinity, combat readiness, unit cohesion, physical fitness proficiency, and pride of patriotism, all are being subjugated to an “equity” mindset smothered in CRT/globalist nonsense and anyone who thinks differently or pushed back is hounded/shamed out of the military.

    Factor in that the military leaders are all little-dicked race theory converts who promote inclusion over might and strength, little supplicant pencil pushers with no honor or pride in their mother nation and its inherent greatness, and the simple reality that our military is now substandard, weak, and feckless smacks us all in the face.

  8. …we had a 90 pound woman who wanted to run fire and squad. She had lots of heart, tons of energy, and was totally willing to learn whatever was required of her, and she wasn’t afraid to get dirty.

    But she weighed 90 pounds.

    She couldn’t drag supply line. She couldn’t operate even a 1 3/4″ attack nozzle because the reaction force would bowl her into the person behind her. She couldn’t drag a guy out by his turnouts in drills, couldn’t buck a test dummy down a ladder, and certainly wasn’t going to throw anyone over her shoulder to carry them out of a burning building.

    Because she weighed 90 pounds.

    And had to wear 45 pounds of boots, turnouts, and air tank.

    No offense to her, but as Monty Python once said, it’s a simple question of weight ratios.

    This was 30 years ago, and she was one of only 3 female members at the time, so they had to pass her anyway.

    But ALSO because it was 30 years ago, the Chiefs and lieutenants could control her role on the fireground to minimize risk to herself and others.

    It worked out OK that way, but I’m not sure you could do that now.

    …so if this were TODAY, they’d probably give her a nozzle and send her in to a structure fire with entrapment, and let it knock her over along with the guys backing her while the victims choked and burned, and maybe the house comes down on the crew that’s in with the loose hose whipping around.

    But it would be all good because, equal, or something.

    …and then they’d blame Climate Change, Toxic Masculinity, and White Supremacy for the deaths…


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