Army Investigating How It Recruited Autistic 19-Year-Old – IOTW Report

Army Investigating How It Recruited Autistic 19-Year-Old

Army Times

The Army has launched an inquiry into the circumstances that led a 19-year-old on anxiety medication who was diagnosed with autism and congenital arm disorders to report for basic combat training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, this August.

The young man’s father told Army Times that he has been trying to help return his son to their hometown in Idaho by reaching out to service officials and congressional representatives. After his son reported for basic training on Aug. 20, he began having anxiety attacks and was quickly separated from his basic training unit to be out-processed for not disclosing his myriad of diagnosed disorders.

Both the father and son say that his Army recruiter encouraged him to hide potentially disqualifying factors in order to enlist as a human resources specialist. More

h/t – War Stories Podcast

19 Comments on Army Investigating How It Recruited Autistic 19-Year-Old

  1. Probably a candidate for OCS (Officer Candidate School) and then a tour of duty as Biden’s nuclear codes briefcase carrier.

    Seriously as a parent who just had a daughter go thru in-processing for the National Guard who failed the initial weight requirements (5’6″ and 160 pounds (missed by a pound)) the first time I can’t see how this happened unless serious quota pressure is being applied. The Msgt. in charge warned her she might not pass btw).

  2. There was a guy when I first joined the Navy in the Fall of 1972 who should’ve been medically disqualified from enlisting because of all the physical difficulties he had. He was mustered out pretty much immediately with a medical discharge, none of us knew how he got there. We eventually blamed it on the Draft which was probably the only reason he was there in the first place because of manpower needs during the Vietnam War. But still some recruiter really screwed up in letting him join the Navy in the first place.

  3. @ geoff the aardvark – We had a guy in boot camp in the spring of ’73 that;
    Couldn’t read.
    Didn’t know left from right.
    Had trouble telling time.
    Would freeze up in a panic folding stuff like socks.
    Because of VN, the recruiters were digging deep.
    And yea, he was gone within a week.

  4. I knew a guy who was on the Asperger syndrome spectrum. He was quite intelligent especially in the field of heating and air conditioning. The guy was a genius at fixing things, but, he did not interact well with people. He joined the Army, but was quickly discharged due to his disorder.

  5. This was an unfortunate Perfect Storm.

    A young ‘man’, a late teenager, with a high level functioning mental deficiency and a physical ailment, he WANTED to join the service by any means necessary, IMO, this is what he probably wanted his young entire life.

    And, he was probably entertained by his father. NOT saying that’s bad, that’ just what happened, I think.

    He got past the recruiter, not his fault, and according to the posts above, that served, he would have flushed out anyways.

    I feel bad for this guy that wanted to serve but cannot, perhaps in some auxiliary way at the VFW or the Legion. Also feel bad for his dad too knowing the disappointment his son is feeling.

    Autistic News Alert: This is not the first case, it certainly has happened before and it will happen again.

    I wonder what the screening was like, for instance in WWII? I heard about being ‘flat footed’, vision, hearing etc. but what about a slightly percieved mental disorder? AT that time??

    Not sure, just asking.

  6. Reminds me of a guy, Mario, I met in the barracks for submarine crews on Ford Island in 1974. He was trying to get a discharge from the Navy because he feared deep water, or so he claimed. I’m still trying to figure out he got into the Navy, and assigned to a sub on top of that. afaik, he had never been to sea. But I was only in the barracks about a month before moving to an apartment. Never saw the guy again.

  7. I took my ASVAB tests in 1977. The E-6 (Staff Sargent) recruiter asked me to repeat those and use a different name so he could “help” another guy qualify. Even at 17, I knew this was wrong. Told him I couldn’t do that.

    Was a good lesson for a very young man. I went into the Army knowing some of the people in charge of me had their own interests out front.

  8. I worked briefly with a heavily Autistic young man whilst I was doing IT work for ABC, and I’m here to tell you: That Autistic kid was BRILLIANT.

    He may not have been right for Soldiering, but he’d have been the guy you wanted for support. Just reading or hearing a problem and he had an answer in minutes. And a real, viable answer, not some Elon Musk bullshit.


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