Army officer dealing with terror threats denied concealed carry permit in NJ – IOTW Report

Army officer dealing with terror threats denied concealed carry permit in NJ

WT: The state of New Jersey told an Army officer dealing with terror threats at Picatinny Arsenal in Wharton that there is no “justifiable need” for him to have a concealed carry permit.

Lt. Col. Terry S. Russell

Lt. Col. Terry S. Russell, the product manager for the Army’s Individual Weapons and Small Arms program, requires a Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information clearance for his job. The base where he works was chosen as a terrorist “dry run” for  a Vehicle Borne Improved Explosive Device, and hackers have tried to obtain information on personnel.

Regardless, Oceanport Police Chief Daniel W. Barcus still denied the solider a permit, a decision ultimately backed last month by Superior Court Judge Joseph Oxley.  more

14 Comments on Army officer dealing with terror threats denied concealed carry permit in NJ

  1. The 2nd amendment is the only right that “Requires” government approval and a fee to exercise your rights. And even when proper applications and fees are paid you can still be denied based upon arbitrary decisions by the government.

    Why is that?

    In the future will we need to get a permit and pay a fee for exercising freedom of speech and freedom of religion?

    Rights you apply and pay for are not rights.

  2. Where’s Chris Christie when the Constitutional rights need to be upheld? Pres. Trump – please do not put Christie in charge of anything. NJ is a communist hell hole. That should tell you what kind of job he will do in DC.

    This gentleman should file a lawsuit against NJ.

  3. Bow to the tyranny of your government and be ready to die for their conviction.

    “Do not blame Caesar, blame the people of Rome who have so enthusiastically acclaimed and adored him and rejoiced in their loss of freedom and danced in his path and given him triumphal processions. Blame the people who hail him when he speaks in the Forum of the new wonderful good society” – Justice Millard Fillmore Caldwell

  4. You are just now realizing that some states are like this? Try getting a permit in DC. Ain’t gonna happen. This story has nothing to do with “terrorist fighting soldier” and everything to do with, “New Jersey”. The terrorist threat against this soldier is exactly the same as it is for everyone else in NJ. Totally random and unlikely event. The problem is the law in NJ, not how it is applied in this case.

  5. When the gov’t denies you any right expressed in our Bill of Rights, that gov’t is an illegitimate, abominable farce.

    When we, the People of the United States, allow an illegitimate abominable farce to continue to pretend to be our gov’t, then we are fools – or worse.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Uh…didn’t the U.S. Court of Appeals just slap down D.C. for exactly the same law, i.e. Having to show a “need” before receiving a CCW permit?

    Yes they did, but unfortunately, the Federal Courts that serve NJ and MD have both ruled in the opposite direction. Gun people were very disappointed when SCOTUS didn’t take up the issue a couple of years ago.

  7. Oh fuck these motherfuckers. If anyone ought to be armed it’s the folks at
    Picatinny Arsenal. They were one of my father’s clients. I’ve been inside their Wharton facility many times (which is not the subject facility in this article) because my father sometimes would take me on sales calls during my summer vacations.

    The HNIC at Picatinny should shove some of their explosives up the asses of both the local police chief and the Superior Court judge, light the fuses, and run like hell. What faggot-assed pussies. What power-mad little cyphers.

    I’d also like to know WTF a justice of the Superior Court of the State of New Jersey thinks he is to tell a Federal agency what its employees can and can’t carry on its own property.

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