Army Vet Loses Limb After VA Treatment – IOTW Report

Army Vet Loses Limb After VA Treatment

LifeZette: It started with a broken leg while snow-tubing with his daughter. It ended with amputation.


Army veteran Sgt. Daniel Dennis is a husband and father who has suffered pain and stress for more than two years. The Veterans Administration in Syracuse, New York, he says, is to blame for the loss of his leg.

Dennis, 32, enlisted in the Army when he was 17, and was stationed at Fort Drum in Upstate New York. He deployed to both Afghanistan and Iraq, but after an IED incident he received a medical discharge under honorable conditions.

But it was not the injuries he suffered overseas — back, shoulder, head and neck injuries — that have put his future at risk. It was the treatment for a common spiral fracture of his right tibia after his service was completed that threw him into what he calls an “unbelievable nightmare” of an experience with the Syracuse VA.



11 Comments on Army Vet Loses Limb After VA Treatment

  1. Reading stories like this makes me want to break heads.

    Keep in mind that the VA is govt-controlled single-payer medical care which is exactly what Death-eyes and her Dem/collectivist ilk want to force up all our asses.

  2. “I CARE”
    … about my taxpayer-funded salary
    … about my taxpayer-funded healthcare
    … about my taxpayer-funded sick leave
    … about my taxpayer-funded Cost-of-Living raises
    … about my taxpayer-funded vacations business trips
    … about my taxpayer-funded ‘telecommuting’ 3-day work week
    … about my taxpayer-funded Pay Grades that are almost 50% higher than the private sector

    see? … I Care!

  3. @UncleAl ~ I can’t, for the life of me, fathom how the US Government, which can’t take care of 1,000,000 vets, even try to take care of another 324,000,000 people … scary as Hell
    … but, shhhhhhhhhh … democRats love enslavement … it’s been their past & they long to be the complete masters again in the very near future
    … they’re so close they can taste it
    Like Bucket-Head Joe said, “This IS a big fucking deal”

  4. Use the Churchill method.
    Hang an Admiral (or in this case, a Hospital Boss) once a month and the rest of the staff will fall right in line.
    If those civil service pukes saw their bosses swinging from a lamppost they would straighten up and fly right.

  5. Yesterday I posted on Facebook that my 0bamacare health insurance rates have gone up an average of 21% per year (compounded), 112% over 4 years. Had a very robust conversation, of course a couple of friends originally from Canadia and UK supporting single payer. This article was the perfect rebuttal to their arguments.

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