Army’s Chief Master Sargent Concerned: “All Echelon” Asking Why Seattle Riots Given A Pass In Army “Extremism” Indoctrination – IOTW Report

Army’s Chief Master Sargent Concerned: “All Echelon” Asking Why Seattle Riots Given A Pass In Army “Extremism” Indoctrination

Some troops have drawn equivalencies between the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol and last year’s protests for racial justice during recent stand-downs to address extremism, worrying the military’s top enlisted leader.

In a Thursday briefing with reporters at the Pentagon, Chief Master Sergeant Ramón “CZ” Colón-López, the senior enlisted adviser to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that some troops have asked, when the Jan. 6 riot is brought up, “How come you’re not looking at the situation that was going on in Seattle prior to that?” More

Reports of what the military is teaching service members during the stand down “indoctrination” sessions. Here

23 Comments on Army’s Chief Master Sargent Concerned: “All Echelon” Asking Why Seattle Riots Given A Pass In Army “Extremism” Indoctrination

  1. The answer is easy. The careerist Military Officers and Senior enlisted that thrive in the swamp are more politician than soldier. These “Perfumed Princes” lose sight that their BS doesn’t resonate with the troops. They can smell BS from a mile away and they’re not afraid to call it out.

  2. It is worse than that. They are directing Sailors to report anyone with MAGA posts or supporting Trump for possible investigation as racist/supremacist. This is turning so many against their leadership and their judgement. Been working on the congressional and IG complaints that this is blatant discrimination and a violation of multiple regs/policy reference keep politics out of the military. Officers cant complain unless they keep it clear so it doesnt violate Art 88 when complaining about it but the enlisted can say a lot more about senior leadership since they are not banned explicitly in UCMJ by Art 89 and 91 about the civilian leadership (ie SECDEF, DoD overall). If this keeps up, the Navy is dead. Trying to see how bad it is in the Army also those that still are in.

  3. By the way, the CMSgt did not complain. It read more like he is concerned they realize the Seattle events are very relevant and trying to lie about how they are not the same.

  4. Good evening,

    We just received a copy of the “Extremist Organizations and Activities” training being pushed by the DoD and JBLM.

    We have one major issue with the training.. Our 501c(4) non profit corporation is on the list.

    We are an organization that supports homeless veterans while working to Prepare, Support, Unite and Defend our local communities.

    We have been listed as a prohibited group at the end of the training. Our organization is listed as antigovernment/criminal gang. This label is patently false.

    1. Our organization has no criminals. All of our volunteers undergo a thorough background check.

    2. No member of our organization, nor any attendee at any of our events has ever committed or been charged with a crime.

    3. We have zero tolerance for extremist or racist ideologies or undertones. Once again, we screen volunteers and we do not tolerate any of these behaviors.

    4. We are not, nor have never claimed to be a militia. A militia is clearly defined by US Title 10 Code.

    5. The ADL has been contacted for retraction many times via phone. We will be calling again Monday 3/22 when the local office opens. The ADL is the source of information on our corporation being used by DoD. We dispute the root source data that is being used. It is slanted 1 sided reporting without an ounce of journalism. At no point have they attempted to reach out to our organization. The labeling of our organization is especially hurtful to our Jewish leaders and volunteers.

    We have been vocal about 1st and 2nd amendment issues locally. These are Constitutionally protected rights. Rights are like a muscle, they must be exercised or they’ll disappear.

    We support all persons rights.

    We do not support riots. Not the riots/destruction over the summer and not the destruction on Jan 6th.

    While exercising our rights: we have: obtained permits, communicated with local and state officials, carried event insurance in case of property damage, communicated with WSP/FBI/local PD.

    We have always cooperated with all government agencies and operated within the law. If you do not believe this, ask them.

    We have had interactions/communications about our events for pre-planning with: Capitol police, WSP, WA State Sheriff’s association (who invited our founder to speak at their quarterly meeting in 2020), FBI Seattle Field Office, Seattle Police, Tacoma Police, Olympia Police and the list goes on.

    Page 2 of the training specifically describes extremist/antigovernment groups. We fit NONE of the descriptions.

    We are formally calling on the United States Department of Defense and JBLM Garrison Commander to immediately remove The Three Percent of Washington (DBA Washington 3%) from the list of prohibited organizations/antigovernment groups/criminal gangs.

    We are willing to meet with these agencies either in person or via video conference to dispel this misconception.

    Many of us are military veterans, and are pained by these untruthful characterizations applied to our inclusive and diverse community organization due to the inability of watchdogs to check facts. Instead we are mistakenly painted with a broad brush.

    Propaganda from politically motivated organizations is shaping public policy in order to discriminate against groups this administration views as bad.

    Something has to change. Freedom of speech and press exists to hold the government accountable. Hopefully the press has some integrity left, but I’m not holding my breath.

    Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia press will probably just side with ADL and post this as more proof that Washington 3% is what ADL claims. This is how cancel culture works. If they all say the same thing enough times it becomes fact. Even if the original quoted source was false.

    Maybe we’ll be surprised by some good journalism?

    Matt Marshall
    Founder/Public Relations
    Washington 3%

    “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” ~ John F. Kennedy

  5. @ quad- I agree. “CZ” seemed to be more concerned about the troops who are asking legitimate questions. “CZ” seems to be a tool of the left.
    Very disappointing. I am not looking forward to a “woke” military.

  6. He is in the Air Force and Is an E-9–he is the SEAC and appointed by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Having spent 20 years in the Army (a long time ago), I am not happy with his statement and the fact they are stating down for 60 days for re-education.

  7. There are Sargents Major that are a soldier’s soldier and some that are straight up politicians. I worked on Ft Lewis for eight years right out of high school and knew quite a few of them back then.

  8. “Those conducting the sessions wanted “to make sure that military members understand the difference between Seattle and [the Jan. 6 riot in] Washington, D.C.,” Colón-López said. “But some of our younger members are confused about this, so that’s what we need to go ahead and talk to them about and educate them on, to make sure that they know exactly what they can and cannot do.””

    TRANSLATION: The younger troops recognized the bullshit we were slinging and called us on it.

  9. This puts the Army command in a predicament; on the one hand, the Sargent Major asked an embarrassing question. On the other hand, he is a protected minority (Hispanic). Will be interesting to see what they do.

  10. Any military member that is due to process out should do so at the earliest opportunity. Likewise for those eligible to retire. Leave it all to the sniveling little snowflakes.

  11. any military led by government is doomed to failure … the only loyalty a soldier has is to his buddies, his family (if he believes that the cause will protect his family) & his leaders.

    it’s a ‘who can you trust when your ass is in the sling’ thing
    seriously, who are you gonna lay your life on the line for? … Pedo Joe Biden? Kammie Kockholster? O’Bumblebutt? Pelosi? the CCP? … & all their life-crushing governance?

    very few go willing into the maelstrom & fight like Bezerkers for such milquetoast leadership

    frankly, I have trouble understanding8 how anyone w/ functioning will & morality can follow order from these people

    … naivete & ‘pension protection’ I suppose … same w/ LEO’s

  12. From the article: When asked about networks or television personalities popular among service members who have drawn those equivalencies, Colón-López said, “Those are very, very tough conversations to have with people, because sometimes they’re emotional about the subject.”
    While those TV personalities are exercising the right to free speech troops have fought for, he said, “make sure that you’re well-educated and don’t be an automatic mouthpiece for something unless you understand the issue.”

    Is anyone else seeing the irony in this situation?

  13. People in the military need to as themselves: Did I join to fight for America or just to be a democRAT stooge led by a demented, old crook?
    I see the Jackass Joe administration doing exactly what democRATs have been doing to American cities: driving the good people OUT!

  14. Lloyd Austin is a disgusting disgrace. He, the overweight CJCS Milley, and the fatass Superintendent of USMA need to get their noses out of the donut box and begin fulfilling their duties per the oaths they swore to the County, not the liberal inteligencia.

  15. Here’s an old quote, just ideal for the xiden administration:

    “Treason doth never profit, what’s the reason? Because when treason prospers none dare call it treason”

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