Arnold Schwarzendope Gets Dropped By Sponsor After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms” – IOTW Report

Arnold Schwarzendope Gets Dropped By Sponsor After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms”


the former California governor said, “Screw your freedom,” when he was asked in a CNN interview about Americans concerned that mask requirements infringe on personal liberties.

He went on to compare mask-wearing to driving.

“When you affect other people, that is when it gets serious. You cannot say, ‘No one is going to tell me that I’m going to stop here, that I have to stop at this traffic light here. I’m going to go right through it.’ Then you kill someone else, and then it is your doing,” he said, adding, “This is the same thing with the virus. You cannot go not put the mask on because when you breathe, you can infect someone else. And you can infect someone that then gets sick and may die.”

This stance didn’t sit well with REDCON1 founder Aaron Singerman, who announced in a press release that his company is cutting all ties with Schwarzenegger because the former governor’s views on freedom don’t align with American values.

“Making the public declaration, ‘screw your freedoms,’ is dangerous and anti-America,” the release said [bold emphasis theirs]. “REDCON1 is a patriotic pro-freedom brand and community. We support everyone’s individual freedoms.”


23 Comments on Arnold Schwarzendope Gets Dropped By Sponsor After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms”

  1. Because it was free on some garbage channel, I recently sat through Pumping Iron. Probably shouldn’t have been but I was a surprised at what an arrogant dick he was. Still is, I guess.

  2. Straw-man argument in the first place.
    Wearing a mask is, in NO SENSE, analogous to driving an automobile.
    The man’s a fool.
    One need not take both a written and a practical exam to buy a mask, for instance.

    He should go back to taking steroids and fucking nannies.
    (enjoyed his movies, though)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Arnold’s always been the funniest guy he knows. When Arnold was competing for his 7th Mr. O it was clear the fix was in and a guy by the name of Mike Mentzer got pretty heated about it. There’s a great picture of Mentzer with his finger in Arnolds face and you can see the fear in Arnolds eyes. Arnolds always been an asshole. A terrible athlete. Mentzer on the other hand was a pretty decent athlete. He was on that old sports show/contest where they’d bring athletes together from different disciplines and have them compete in different events. Mentzer was competing with a bunch of other athletes in a 50 freestyle. He got up on the blocks and the announcers went ape shit. They were calling him the USS Mentzer. They were even more shocked when he won the event.

    Mike Mentzer

  4. Yeah, Arnold. Running a red light is exactly like getting an experimental concoction injected into your body

    And I always thought steroids just shriveled your testicles, not your brain….

  5. He is living proof of the Peter Principle: he was a shitty governor, and bitter he failed. So he sells himself cheap to the left to get out of the doghouse.

    Fuck you, and go back where you came from. No wonder Sly Stallone hates him.

  6. “Screw your freedoms” says the man who came to a country that gave him opportunity, hence making him a multi-millionaire. Even though he couldn’t act his way out of a wet paper bag & talks like he has a mouthful of marbles.

  7. Arnold’s stunted ‘roid brain and Nazi socialism ideology is a Demwit, evil combination.
    He’s freedoms should be screwed for that arrogant dumb jock, hateful statement. If justice prevailed, he would be sent packing/deported back to Austria for bring a traitor.


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