Arpaio’s Posse – Obama’s Birth Certificate Is a Forgery, Here’s Why –> – IOTW Report

Arpaio’s Posse – Obama’s Birth Certificate Is a Forgery, Here’s Why –>

You can see the full report HERE.

26 Comments on Arpaio’s Posse – Obama’s Birth Certificate Is a Forgery, Here’s Why –>

  1. This is interesting, but I was convinced a long time ago. Immediately following WH release of this document it was demonstrated as fake by a number of specialists. And Arpaio’s formal investigation yielded even more evidence.

  2. A former President is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Nothing! A President is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States of America. That includes Hawaii. Trump can order that these records are made public. God speed, Donald Trump.

  3. As a longtime user of both Photoshop and Illustrator (tho I prefer Freehand), I knew the doc was a fake from the gitgo. Thing is, I questioned *why* anyone would release something so poorly executed, so obviously, laughably fraudulent. Was Obama’s forgery team really that incompetent OR did they put this certificate out as bait to draw fire so they could mount a counter attack — condemning and discrediting anyone who questioned it as a birther and racist, thereby quashing the controversy once and for all?

  4. Too Little Too Late..
    The greatest of all history statesman obongo is now a multi millionaire with millions of ass kissing fans and a bright future with the UN. He fuked up Amerika in ways that the country will never recover from, and really deep down inside nobody gives a shit, because they let him get away with it for 8 long years. Funny how Joe just came to this miraculous conclusion just weeks from President Trump taking office, 8 long years investigation.

  5. Yes the original posted on (at least the first one)was as phony as Lindsey Graham’s maleness…I dissected it myself. Then some “solicitor for the president” came out and said Yes it is…so what? Knowing the RINO’s in DC didn’t have the balls to do anything about it.

  6. The people who are lying about the Russians are the same ones who lied about the dickhead being a U.S. citizen. Hawaii’s birth certificate dept was a SHAM. Investigators have found over 200 reasons why the pos is NOT a citizen. I don’t know if that website is still up. Those of us who supported the truth were vilified even by some on this website. Trump was forced to shut up. Too bad he didn’t put his money where his mouth was. This could have been a game changer.
    There are still people here and in high places who will support this assholes right to be prez.
    If there is an honest historian out there maybe the truth will be told in 50 or a 100 years.

  7. To Billy Fuster:

    Hello. The complete Soetoro family are communist whores. Someone should have bludgeoned the mother with a shovel while Barry was in tbe womb.
    A litttle Sharon Tate action on the screaming infant as it tried to claw its way free would have been poetic. Feed the foetal entrails to a bunch of penned swine.

  8. Wow! This Fay Guht guz a nutjob! The only points I can make is that you americans are the dumbest people on earth. Not only is Obama a communist but hes a muslim too. (You’ve been too stupid to google Obama admits hes a muslim. (In his own words)). But thats not here or there. Point is is that whites elected him because of slavery guilt. Of course that was over 150 years ago and whites today had nothing to do with it. But they’re too stupid to realize it. And blacks, well they voted for their first black president. Lets see geniusesn mommy was white, daddy, black. Mulatto! And th hen they’re too stupid to see that employment, house ownership down, illegitimate birth rates and crime up. But yeah, this half breeds lookin out for em. No ones ever seen or heard from him in his skoo classes, no womans ever come forward claimining she dated him, they’re too stupid to question why hes bringing syrians here……ad infinitim. Where americans are really stupid is hes making girls out of their boys and men out of their girls.

  9. @Canadian Wiskee, you really must be on the sauce. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we corrected our moment of insanity – Trump, a real American patriot is U.S. President elect.
    Now you got some “splaining” to do. Canadians stupidly voted a leftist dimwit named, Trudeau. He very possible could the offspring of the late communist Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Your country has the same gender confused social misfit issue as the US. As for the race issue, has Canada really delt with it? Yea, a gay despot, marxist, black muslim was our president, but thanks to our wise, selfless Founding Fathers we have a system of goverment that was designed to get rid of such a prick. Canada is still tied to the parliamentary system based on English law. Obamacare is gasping it’s last breath, why does Canada still have national healthcare? Have you heard the expression “clean up your own backyard” – really good advise to follow.

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