Arrest Made in Quebec for Summer Fires – IOTW Report

Arrest Made in Quebec for Summer Fires


Quebec provincial police have arrested a man in connection with numerous forest fires that burned earlier this summer in the province’s north. 

Brian Paré, 37, appeared by videoconference at a courthouse in Chibougamau, Que., about 700 kilometres north of Montreal, late Thursday afternoon to face two charges of arson.

According to the indictment, the Chibougamau resident allegedly set fire to a fishing cabin on May 31 and to forests in the area between July 8 and Sept. 5. More

15 Comments on Arrest Made in Quebec for Summer Fires

  1. I mentioned before on this site that the RCMP & OPP were very busy trying to find the arsonists that were lighting fires near Rail Road tracks.

    My Cousin works for a Major Rail Road & the coppers were mum about it because they did not want to ENCOURAGE COPY CATS.

  2. Alexb,

    Sudbury & Sault Ste Marie areas. (pronounced SOO SAINT MARIE for our American friends, Don’t ask me why)

    I’m on Toronto –> Home of Dominion Voting & Liberal The Pig Stronghold

  3. At least the RCMP caught the guy, unlike the FBI who only managed to find one or two arsonists out of dozens and dozens of human-caused wildfires in the western states over the last 15 years.


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