Arresting Turnstile Jumpers Unfairly Targets Illegals Says NYC Public Defenders – IOTW Report

Arresting Turnstile Jumpers Unfairly Targets Illegals Says NYC Public Defenders

Article made shorter – redistribute wealth by letting minorities do whatever they want.

Made even shorter – we want the white people’s money.


The movement to stop prosecuting subway fare-beaters, announced recently by the Manhattan district attorney and soon to be adopted in Brooklyn, must be expanded citywide, public defenders argue.

The Legal Aid Society, the Bronx Defenders, Queens Law Associates and other groups have joined efforts to pressure prosecutors in Queens and the Bronx to get onboard with the cause, which advocates say will help unclog the courts.

Advocates say arresting turnstile jumpers unfairly disadvantages the city’s poor population.

“Fare evasion is the ultimate crime of poverty in New York City, yet the Queens and Bronx district attorneys continue to prosecute our clients and others for it,” Tina Luongo, head of Legal Aid’s criminal practice, said in a statement.

Luongo stressed that an arrest for fare evasion could mean the threat of deportation for undocumented immigrants.

“We need uniformity citywide on this issue from all local DAs, especially in the era of Trump where a theft of services conviction could lead to removal proceedings,” the lawyer added.

Alice Fontier, director of the Bronx Defenders’ criminal practice, said the cost of a subway swipe is a real hurdle for people who suffer the consequence of a turnstile jumping arrest.

 “When you have entire households in the South Bronx surviving on less than $10,000 a year, the real crime is to continue punishing people who can’t afford a MetroCard,” Fontier said.


ht/ all too much

27 Comments on Arresting Turnstile Jumpers Unfairly Targets Illegals Says NYC Public Defenders

  1. So that means that everyone rides for free …… right?

    A fee based service like riding the subway means that everyone who uses the service pays a fee. Right?

    If you allow some people to ride free, then EVERYONE should right free if the word “equality” has any meaning left.

  2. The only time your likely to see thru the two faced libs facade is when it comes to taxing and other fees. Turnstile jumpers are not paying their “fair” share. The grubs will want “their” money.

  3. It’s like Leftists are TRYING to PROVE to everyone
    “if I don’t see it, it didn’t happen”

    Glad it’s happening mostly in their Leftie Hives.

  4. These commie scum lawyers don’t
    understand human nature at all.
    Anyone who can get over a stile
    will now start doing so as they
    see the non-whites stealing rides
    with impunity. There goes another
    brick in the wall of the social
    contract. Lose one too many, then
    down it comes and Sauve Qui Peut.

  5. I think I would jump the turnstile next time I’m riding the NYC subway, except I never intend to ever set foot in that city again if I can help it!

  6. Let me see if I get this straight: NY doesn’t want to prosecute criminals (turnstile jumpers) because that could lead to exposure of other crimes (illegal border crossing) and lead to further punishment (deportation).

    Whatever happened to actions have consequences?

  7. They should install barbed crotch hooks atop the turnstiles. This would also slow the rampant breeding of these vermin. They’re close to overtaking the rats and cockroaches in that department.

  8. So apparently if you are poor in NY you get the first crime you commit for free. The stupid idiots are too dumb to realize that they could rob a bank or knock over a 7-11 instead of saving a paltry $4.00 dollar fee for kiping the subway!

  9. 🔵 Best Comment of the Day 🔵

    1. You encourage it, you’ll get a lot more of it.

    2. Wear a sombrero before jumping turnstiles.

    3. You’ll notice liberals didn’t pony-up a single penny to help the poor pay for this service. They’d rather cheat the public, then raise taxes to cover the deficit later.

    4. Even in the movie “The Warriors” they put money in the turnstiles, and they were scumbag gang members.

  10. @Racer X July 18, 2017 at 8:27 am

    NY doesn’t want to prosecute criminals (turnstile jumpers) because that could lead to exposure of other crimes (illegal border crossing) and lead to further punishment (deportation).

    NYC (the “C” is important) collects all sorts of taxes, and user fees, and fines, and taxes on fines, and fines on user fees, and all manner of combos, directly from “criminals.” And the people who spend those monies use the same “criminals” to Dutch auction wages in New Amsterdam for their “business partners.” Allowing some other organization to steal their tools is a double blow to ROI.

  11. So what happens with the first poor white turnstyle jumper? Is he/she released as well or will they be prosocuted. This kind of crap is a slippery slope. I remember how dirty and dangerous Times Square had become under various Democrat Mayors as they let the little crimes slide while the supposedly concentrated on big crimes. The situation simply got worse until Rudy Guiliani was elected and enforced all laws including the little ones. It took a little while but he cleaned up the city and lowered the crime rate. You want to unclog the courts, stop with the multiple appeals, put a courthouse at Rykers Island, allow a judgement and sentence right at the initial appearance. It can be done.

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