Arrogant Entitled NY State Senator From Brooklyn Tweets Something Awful and Quickly Deletes It – IOTW Report

Arrogant Entitled NY State Senator From Brooklyn Tweets Something Awful and Quickly Deletes It

The left loves bike lanes. They’ve carved them out at the expense of automobile real estate. But it doesn’t impact jerks like Senator Kevin Parker, who simply parks wherever he pleases.

Deputy Communications Director of the NY Senate Republican Majority, Candice Giove, investigated who the jerk who was recently blocking the bike lane was.

Turns out it was a state senator. She published his name.

He tweeted, “Kill Yourself,” a phrase that’s been condemned by the left… when other people use it.


Tuesday’s tweet was not Parker’s first brush with controversy.

In 2010, he was convicted of misdemeanor criminal mischief after damaging a camera belonging to a New York Post photographer who was assigned to take photos of him outside his Brooklyn home.

Parker was cleared of felony charges in the incident.

In response to the tweet Tuesday, one of Parker’s Republican colleagues said he shouldn’t be serving in office.

Sen. Rob Ortt, R-North Tonawanda, Niagara County, said Parker “displayed reckless and damning behavior.”

“It is clear that Sen. Parker, who already has a history of violence and aggression, is in no state to serve as an elected official,” Ortt said in a statement.

12 Comments on Arrogant Entitled NY State Senator From Brooklyn Tweets Something Awful and Quickly Deletes It

  1. Psahw! At least he is not *entitled!*

    He is a *victim.*

    (America ain’t gonna fix this problem, quickly, I fear. Another generation, or fifty years….?) …..Lady in Red

  2. That’s his cultchah. Don’t you DARE judge that poor colored man, he’s the son of slaves!

    You’d better get right with St. Peter, he hates racism!

  3. I’d like to give him one of my EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL whitey-cracka, right-wing medals, for parking in the bike lane, AND telling the leftards off. 😀

    I figure that should further endear him to the leftards, who NEED to be ticked off. 😆


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