Arrogant Toolbag Says ‘I think the Republican party ought to change the nominee,’ – IOTW Report

Arrogant Toolbag Says ‘I think the Republican party ought to change the nominee,’

‘I think the party ought to change the nominee,’ Hugh Hewett said on his radio show Wednesday.

Who does Hugh Stewpett think the Republican party is? I’ll give him a clue —


The party is the people.

It’s not some guy at the home office that can pull a lever and install whoever he wants.


The great lament, before this election season, was that our votes probably didn’t matter because the powers that be were installing Jeb Bush, the anointed one.

When Trump entered the scene he was a welcomed entity because he was targeting and humiliating Jeb. Everyone enjoyed what Trump was doing, cutting the presumptive nominee off at the knees. Suddenly their picks, Carson, Paul, Cruz, Rubio had a legitimate shot.

But a funny thing happened along the way, Trump gained too much traction.  He started beating the other guys too.  Flop sweat ensued and the GOPe went into Chinese fire drill mode.

In the irony of all ironies, #NEVERTRUMP is now looking towards the same bastards that were going to foist Jeb on them to simply anoint Ted Cruz (or fill in the blank.)

“Please sir, I loathed you for the oppressive power you wielded, but I’m willing to become what I once loathed if it serves my interests.”

Trump served his purpose, smashing the GOP machine and proved to us that we don’t have to have nominees crammed down our throats. And now complete dipsticks are imploring the throat crammers to ram Ted Cruz (or fill in the blank) down 13,000,000 voters’ gullets.

But these are “principled” people.


I’m not slamming Cruz with this article. I’m not sure Cruz would even accept the nomination under these circumstances, but the article I’m linking is about Cruz camp operatives who aren’t willing to give up.

If Cruz is on board with this “coup,” then I take back everything I ever said about him being smart. It would be dumber than dumb. Trump’s received more primary votes than any other candidate in the history of this country. Does Cruz think he will be able to get these disenfranchised voters to coalesce around him?

Remote at best.

Story at The Daily Mail

106 Comments on Arrogant Toolbag Says ‘I think the Republican party ought to change the nominee,’

  1. That smug piece of crap can go to hell with beck, medved, and all the others that thought they were so influential that they could stop Mr. Trump. So now they think that alienating millions of Trump supporters is they way to rebuild the party of dead elephants. What a frickin LOSER!

  2. Hewitt works for Salem Media which is a mouthpiece for K Street lobbyists. Their HQ is near K Street in DC.

    They also own RedState (Eric Erikson hates Trump), Twitchy, Townhall, etc.

    They supported Rubio’s Gang of 8 amnesty plan and took in tens of thousands in advertising money from PACs.

    Last I heard, they were negotiation with Baghdad Bob to give honesty in reporting seminars.

  3. arrogance is the right adjective

    arrogance is a trait i will never understand, and i am glad to not be afflicted with the disease

    arrogance means to me that your opinion matters over all others, and you wear blinders to the common sense of the majority

    this asshole is a textbook example, one of many preaching the same disastrous strategy of trying to get trump out of the way of their preferred candidates

  4. OPENLY calling for a usurping Oligarchy to ignore We, the People of the United States – the SOVEREIGN of the United States!

    Isn’t there a name for this?

    The PARTY should DICTATE what the people must be forced to accept?

    I don’t know … it all sounds vaguely familiar … Just NOT in America.

    Is the Republic DEAD or are we witnessing these creatures murdering it before our very eyes? As we have for the last 8 years?
    OOPS! Time to switch thumbs, again … if it’s OK with Hewett and Obola!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Fucking asscock-I used to listen to him back in the late 90s and early 00s-he would give douches like Mike Allen, Candy Crowley, EJ Dionne and Matthew Yglesias! whole segments to come on and sound oh so rational.

    One time he had EJ on and I remembered from the last time how Hewitt made him come off as reasonable yet the very next day I read another one of his fucking wacky REgressive columns attacking conservatives. So I called in to challenge him and the screener wouldn’t let me on. He said EJ wasn’t on for polemics! On a fucking talk show, no debate.

    That was it for me.

  6. You can bet your last dollar that Cruz knows about this.
    Why do you think they were, and still are, gathering up as many delegates as they can for Cruz.
    The Daily Mail story is a good read and names names behind this coup they want to try and pull off, better that most US papers. Also check out Amanda Carpenter’s twitter feed. She is Cruz’s communications director.

  7. And, the mailman’s son still not ready to endorse the nominee at convention in his home state.
    Obviously lied regarding supporting nominee (debate 1 question 1).

  8. Man I love the Trump campaign does. It is exposing those we thought were for us, only to find they are agin’ us. The Change is coming. The solvent Trump is using on these 5th columnists works extremely well. It is making them come unglued.

    If you want to visit Yugh Yewitt, press penthouse button in the elevator at the Ivory Tower.

  9. Has nothing to do with Cruz.
    Medved HATES Cruz…Hewitt is a GOPer, not a Cruzbot.

    Hewitt is reaping his moral cowardice – playing “Switzerland” and always the last to take a stand on anything.

  10. @Anomymous — Who are you? And while not a “Cruzbot” of the Beck stripe, Hewitt’s support of Cruz is thinly veiled. Besides this story is about a lot more than Hugh Hewitt. Read the linked story at the Daily Mail. And Geoff C. also references Amanda Carpenter’s twitter feed. You should look at that, too, before you say Cruz has nothing to do with this.

  11. That Daily Mail article brings a lot into focus. That would explain why all these people sound the same and make the same ridiculous arguments. They must use the term “Boot Licker” on every page of their manual.

  12. Something is happening, I’m not sure what it is.
    I’m talking about the entire thing, what Trump represents and why.
    What and who the GOPe is and what it is they want and for what interests. I have to admit it is all a bit confusing.
    What I do know is what I stick to in my posts, and I simply cannot understand why NeverTrumpers, the ones who complained in the past about the GOP ramming people down our throats, would now openly ask for more of it.
    Please explain yourselves.

    And why would I trust that you wouldn’t support a “phone and a pen” presidency if it is “your guy” with the phone and the pen?
    It’s the same mentality when you ask for the GOP to ram a different guy, one that wasn’t supported by the will of the people, into office for your benefit.

  13. Has nothing to do with Cruz.>>

    We’ll see, won’t we.
    The question is, though, what if it does have something to do with Cruz?
    How would you feel about it?

    It seems to me that the #NeverTrumpers do not have a plan, then.
    They want to see a coup but have no idea who is waiting in the wings.
    I hope it’s Jeb Bush.
    That would be kismet.

  14. OK AA I know you want to hear from us Cruzers so here it goes. Trump is not fit to be president and neither is shillary. We have too totally unqualified people to choose from and I do not trust either of them with the nuclear football. The little game that trump played with his attack on the judge so that there would be a perceived bias and thus a demand for a new judge, is one example where trump put his personal desires over that of the country. That is not the type of leader that I want.
    So go ahead and attack my comments, that is what your leader does. You are putting the fate of this country in the little hands of a man that until recently was officially against everything that people are IOTW were for. Do you really think he has changed?

  15. Fur, my guess it is Paul Ryan. But it’s not an either/or. Random people cannot put official pressure on Trump’s elected delegates. A very organized (think Ron Paul, ’12) hit team made sure they packed and stacked the state delegate elections in WA, OR, CA and numerous other states. The net result is Trump has a high percentage of delegates who are Cruz supporters. Though they are sworn and bound to support Trump on the first vote, as the DM article points out, forces within the Cruz campaign, including state directors like Van Der Plaats, are calling for those Trump-awarded, Cruz-supporting delegates to “revolt.” I believe they are taking advantage of the chaos created by Sanders’ avowed “fight at the convention” and the so-called normalization of that concept to attempt a similar feat.

    The either/or becomes a both/and because Cruz, being still a member of the Senate, is vulnerable to pay back from a Ryan nomination. It’s an elaborate but simple I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine. Above and beyond which, they achieve their ultimate goal which is to maintain the Established status quo.

  16. The little game that trump played with his attack on the judge so that there would be a perceived bias and thus a demand for a new judge,>>>

    The judge has no bias in the case against Trump?
    You know this how?

    You talk about what iOTW people have stood for in the past and suddenly you’re on the side of a leftist, activist judge who belongs to organizations called La Raza, who stand up for the rights of illegals?

    This is getting silly.
    You’re giving the benefit of the doubt to a leftist appointed judge who belongs to Hispanic activist organizations that seek to benefit illegals on the backs of American tax payers, only because he’s involved with a case of a candidate you don’t like.

  17. @BFH, that judge was unanimously supported for the Bench, he is one of the few with bipartisan support and La Raza laywers guild in not the same org and LaRaza (that is a game being played right now), one of trumps biggest supporters on Fox is also a member of that org. We both know that trump brought this up for two reasons. To allege bias where there was none so that he could judge shop and to get his lowinfo Not refrerring to all Trump supporter, just the low info ones) supporters behind him to demand this judge recuse himself. You do know this guy risked his life to put drug dealing gang leaders behind bars?

  18. I’m seeing a lot of thumbs down but not one person step up to the plate and discuss the central issue of how you can suddenly support what you once bitched and moaned about – the GOP forcing nominees on us that the people didn’t want.

    I take pride in my posts when it gets a lot of thumbs down but no one confronts my central point in writing.

  19. @Dapenguin: You wrote: “Trump is not fit to be president and neither is shillary. We have too totally unqualified people to choose from and I do not trust either of them with the nuclear football.”

    My response: That is your opinion. You have a right to your opinion as much as I have a right to mine or Jim Smith has a right to his. But 13 million other Americans, myself included, do not share your opinion. We voted against your opinion which is our right to do. We were the majority vote that resulted in Donald Trump as our nominee. Are you saying that your opinion (vote) is more important?

    You wrote: “The little game that trump played with his attack on the judge so that there would be a perceived bias and thus a demand for a new judge, is one example where trump put his personal desires over that of the country. That is not the type of leader that I want.”

    My response: Rather than the ‘little game’ you say it was, Trump showed great moral courage by calling out a progressive judge affiliated with an anti-American organization which preaches race over America’s national interests. You are wholly uninformed as to the details of this issue.

    You wrote: ” You are putting the fate of this country in the little hands of a man that until recently was officially against everything that people are IOTW were for. Do you really think he has changed?”

    My response: Me and 13 million other voters; that’s a lot of company. More than any other Republican ever in a presidential primary. Many of them are here at IOTW, too, so I don’t agree with you.

  20. For the record, the only thumbs down I think I have ever done were for inappropriate content and that was not on this site, I do not do that. As to your point, we have two horrible choices and I think it is clear that many are going to stay home and there goes the downticket for the GOP. The plan now is to save the downticket because if Trump wins or looses, we are going to need congress to be able to oppose either of the two choices. I still do not think y’all are seeing his true colors but there are starting to come out just a bit. When you back Roseane over Hewitt, you might need to re-assess. IMHO

  21. Before Dapenguin has us all considering the bottles “Eat Me” and “Drink Me”, I’d really rather hear from some of the other Cruz voters here and what they think about a “revolt” at the convention, which would strip the official primary votes/delegates from the candidate.

  22. My opinion is that neither Cruz nor Ryan are an active part of any “revolt.” Sure, it would be tempting – if successful they would be one step closer to the ultimate prize of President – but it would be political suicide both for them and the GOP. But looking at this situation rationally, both Cruz and Ryan would realize that success in surplanting Trump as the nominee is not likely, neither would do well in the general election because many of the Republican rank and file would be disgusted, and this would effectively end their political careers. So despite the temptation that this scenario would present, neither Cruz nor Ryan are stupid and at the end of the day both will realize this has no chance for success either at the convention, or more importantly in November.

    Too much time has passed since Cruz, as the last legitimate Republican contender standing, suspended his campaign and made Trump the presumptive nominee. Since then, many people, including me, have recognized that the general election is between Trump and Clinton, and that these presumptive candidates are, and will be the only choices. In other words, our guy, whoever it was, did not garner enough support to become the Republican nominee and we have moved on to the November election.

    I don’t believe that Cruz, in particular, is promoting this “revolt.” Cruz is not really a member of the Republican old guard nor particularly liked by them, and this seems to be a desperate attempt by the old guard to retain some of the power that is slipping away. This would be more believable if Bush, Graham, or even Kasich were making this push, but I think it would be difficult for even these people to think that they would have a chance in November after being rejected in the primaries.

  23. You already have at least 47% of the electorate who will vote for anyone with a D after her name. To win the presidency you must win virtually ALL the republican voters plus the undecideds. If idiots like Hugh Spewit and Mitt Romney et al have their way, the majority of republicans will stay home in November.

  24. Can someone explain to me why Ryan and Preibus and who knows who else are meeting with Mitt Romney in Utah this weekend. The GOP and the Rino’s are up to something.
    Romney needs to get the hell out of the way or support Trump,the peoples choice not who the GOP wishes.

  25. You do know this guy risked his life to put drug dealing gang leaders behind bars?>>>
    You do know this guy risked his life to put drug dealing gang leaders behind bars?>>>
    What does going up against the drug dealers have to do with anything? Are you saying that a judge that is sympathetic to illegal aliens would be sympathetic towards drug dealers?
    If Trump said what you just said you would be clucking your tongue at him.

    Furthermore, a simple perusal of the sites that this judge is a part of, San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association only being 1 of 4, clearly shows that these are leftist organizations that advocate for leftist causes, including, but not limited to, causes that benefit illegal aliens – like demanding in-state tuition for illegals.
    But suddenly this is okay with you? Interesting.
    I’ve been to these sites, they are typical leftist outlets, endorsing LGBT causes, endorsing leftist candidates over right-wing ones, advocacy for all the big government programs, handing out awards to people who simply push the progressive world view. But this is cool. I understand.

    Please don’t try and convince me that you’re not suddenly sympathetic towards a judge that, on paper, you’d be highly unsympathetic towards, just because he’s now going up against Trump.

    As I said, this is becoming ridiculous.
    A researcher on human behavior would be having a ball on this site right now.

    (“He received bipartisan support.” That part tickled me.)

  26. @BFH, I am not saying I support any of those causes, I am saying that judge is not a partisan hack and he has shown moral courage. Is he liberal, yes he is and most are, but that is not a reason to decide he would be biased in this case. trump’s move was shrewd and calculated and not presidential because it was for his own personal gain.

  27. @Wyatt — I do hope you are right.

    But take about ten spaces back and look at this again. Meaning, take a look at the whole of the U.S. Congress instead of just the Republicans. Paul Ryan, like his predecessor, Boehner, in addition to giving this president everything he’s wanted (including the omnibus spending package) and more than that, is someone whose own voting record sides him with the Democrats. In fact, today, very few people in the Congress could be considered truly conservative. That being the case, why wouldn’t the Republicans queer the deal at their own convention in order to maintain the overall status quo? I believe they would.

  28. It blows my mind your’e so worried about this judge while Hitlary has promised to take your guns, our economy is in the tank, unemployment is factually at about 22%. I can go on and on. What the hell?

  29. @Dapenguin — You are changing the narrative of this thread. Why?>>

    I don’t mind. I like to address this point.
    >> I am saying that judge is not a partisan hack >>

    I’m saying he is.
    The La Raza organization he is a member of, in 2006 complained and fought a bill that said it would be illegal to rent housing to illegal aliens.
    I think a judge should recuse himself from THAT ORGANIZATION, let alone Trump’s case.

  30. —I am saying that the judge is not a partiisan hack and has shown moral courage —-

    Yeah, no.

    Judge Gonzalo Curiel told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he was a member of the National Hispanic Bar Association….
    The HNBA calls for a boycott of all of Trump business ventures, including golf courses, hotels, and restaurants. We salute NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s for ending their association with Trump, and we join them in standing up against bigotry and racist rhetoric. Other businesses and corporations should follow the lead of NBC/Universal, Univision and Macy’s and take similar actions against Donald Trump’s business interests. We can and will make a difference.

    Bias 101

  31. @ dapenguin

    1. Curiel belongs to the LaRaza organization of lawyers that last year called for a boycott of Trump’s businesses. You really think this doesn’t present a bias on Curiel’s part?

    2. It’s sad to see a never Trumper use Breitbart considering that Breitbart preached standing with the nominee.

  32. The person who receives the most votes from the American people is the only candidate fit to be president. It doesn’t matter if said person can’t tell the difference from his ass and a hole in the ground, it’s what We The People decide to be fit. Trying to pull the rug out from under a leading candidate based on votes because “he’s not fit” is a terrible argument and has no place in our politics. That’s an argument reserved for dictatorships.

  33. I could stoop low and criticize “Sail’Em” Media for their tentacled propaganda machine going into overdrive. I could disparage Hugh Hubris for his effete snobbery and sell-out.

    So I will.


  34. Cruz would not participate in a convention fight against Trump in such a way as to put himself as the nominee. Far too may of his supporters would bail on him if he did, and he knows it.
    You Trumpers do have reason to fear the floor fight that is coming. mainly because you know Trump does not have the temperament to handle it well and may walk as he has threatened to do in the past.
    I know that if he does, you will all cheer him on while Hillary rolls to an easy victory.

  35. I voted for cruz I think he was the only real conservative in the race. I am not sure what to make of trump but I am sure of what to make of hitlary so I,ll vote trump everytime.

  36. trump’s move was shrewd and calculated and not presidential because it was for his own personal gain.>>>

    I don’t agree.
    If you think your judge is biased against you, and his associations with these Hispanic organizations (weird, since he’s an American) are pretty compelling pieces of information if you’re objective, it is not about personal gain to complain, it’s about righteousness. It doesn’t matter if you’re running for president or you’re a guy living under a bridge – right is right.
    As I said once before, I was on a jury, I alerted the defense and plaintiff’s counsel that I work for AFDI. The defendant was a Muslim doctor.
    I told the lawyers that I believed I could be unbiased and work through the facts of the case.
    They BOTH dismissed me saying that my association with AFDI could cause a mistrial had it been discovered later on, it would also be grounds for appeal.

    I am a jurist, same as the judge in that spot.

    What is it that is making you cling so hard to this Curiel guy when any objective observer would acknowledge that his ties to organizations which have a 180* view on Hispanic causes from Trump seems to be a conflict?
    It’s purely your hate for Trump and not common sense at play here.

    Suddenly you trust leftist activists on the bench.

  37. >>>Cruz would not participate in a convention fight against Trump in such a way as to put himself as the nominee. Far too may of his supporters would bail on him if he did, and he knows it.>>>

    Why? Wouldn’t the process be fair and justified? Why distance yourself from the process?

    >>You Trumpers do have reason to fear the floor fight that is coming. mainly because you know Trump does not have the temperament to handle it well and may walk as he has threatened to do in the past.
    I know that if he does, you will all cheer him on while Hillary rolls to an easy victory.>>>

    What are you babbling about?
    The only cheering going on is from you and your ilk over the prospect of a floor fight.
    The floor fight alone is enough to ensure a Hillary victory.
    Who do you think is going to walk out of that convention with the nomination that will be able to mount a unified challenge to defeat Hillary?
    One of the candidates that already lost?
    Some unknown?

    Give me a name. If you can’t, then why cheer the floor fight?

    ANSWER: Because it’s YOU that wants Hillary to win.

  38. JohnS — Whatever you are getting paid, it’s way too much for the quality of your comments. I wouldn’t hire you as a writer if you worked for free.

    Try this again: What do you think of an election system in which the party decides the nominee, and not the voters?

  39. Trump ticked every box the GOP “autopsy” after the 2012 debacle advised. In the primaries he got 37% Hispanic vote to Romney’s 27%. Trump got 26% black vote to Romney’s 6%. Trump got more votes than any GOP candidate in history and 1.4 million more than Romney despite Trump’s 17 competitors to Romney’s 6. Because of Trump, the GOP got more 10 million more primary votes than ever in history while Democrats got 7 million fewer.

    All this while the GOPe was spending $200,000 on 66,000 negative Trump ads.

    What more could the GOP want than to have everything on its wish list met? A wholly owned puppet, that’s what.

    Watch for more attacks in an attempt to obfuscate the fact that Trump has more appeal to minorities than any Republican candidate in modern times.

  40. I am not cheering a floor fight, but Trump is working hard to make one inevitable.
    The fight won’t be about booting Trump and placing someone else. That idea is just silly.
    If you care to know what will happen, look into past ones and you will get the idea.
    It won’t be like Lincoln/Seward because nobody is close enough in delegates to make it happen.

  41. pageoturner

    Well said and if the left and the so called right keep ratcheting this shit up things are going to get bloody but it won’t be ours. If you’re a Trump supporter you can now enjoy getting attacked and in some cases punched by all sides. That won’t last much longer.

  42. JohnS — I ceded nothing. And you never answered the underlying question put by this thread. A change to remove the legally elected nominee wouldn’t come via “floor fight”, as you say. No one even brought up the idea of a floor flight, that was you.

    One more time: What do you think about an election in which the nominee is chosen by the party rather than the voters?

  43. I won’t speak for every Cruz supporter but I can speak for the ones who I know, and for myself.

    The one thing about him that we were drawn to is his apparent integrity. Our opinion is that Trump does not have this to nearly the same degree, if at all. Many of you are of the opinion that Cruz never had it.

    Whichever is the case, if a shot at the title is taken from Trump and offered to Cruz *and he takes it* that will prove to me and a lot of people that ee were wrong and that he never had that integrity.

    But this is all moot. I maintain that Clinton, one way the other, will be the next president.

  44. JohnS said—Cruz would not participate in a convention fight against Trump in such a way as to put himself as the nominee. Far too may of his supporters would bail on him if he did, and he knows it.
    You Trumpers do have reason to fear the floor fight that is coming. mainly because you know Trump does not have the temperament to handle it well and may walk as he has threatened to do in the past.
    I know that if he does, you will all cheer him on while Hillary rolls to an easy victory.—

    That doesn’t even make sense

  45. First off, until the convention vote, nobody is the nominee…sorry to spoil it for you Trumpers, but that is a legal fact. Trump is the presumptive nominee. I will vote for him in November no matter how much I don’t like him.
    Now, if the GOPe were to try and install the guy I would have preferred to see get the nomination AND HE (or some other prior candidate I didn’t like) GOES ALONG WITH IT and wins, then just like I screamed when the GOPe tried to screw Trump back in the winter, I will scream like holy hell, publicly berate that person on this website, and write in Trump in November–thereby giving the election to Killary.
    If you don’t like that alternative, let’s hear from you never say die Trump people what you’d do–would Killary be acceptable to you then–because no matter how much you’ve gone after me for not being enthusiastically for your guy, your demand that I vote for him is to prevent the bitch from Chappaqua winning.

  46. @govlawyer — Interesting hypothetical. Speaking only for myself (which is all I can do), I wouldn’t vote for whomever the GOPe installed as the nominee. I would skip “Go” and start spending my time on three percenter websites, because the next stop would be the second American Civil War. Because if Clinton is president it’s all over. And that is what would happen if the established political forces, including the GOPe, media and Wall Street classes successfully install their own candidate. With either Mr. X or Clinton as president, we would soon be living in a North American Union within a geo-political-financial structure.

    But this isn’t a hypothetical discussion. Today there are real forces within the body politic attempting to overthrow the will of the voters.

  47. AA–you’ve been downright insulting to me at times, accusing me of being a member of the GOPe, but I can assure you that if they succeed in bumping your boy off the ballot, I’ll be standing next to you, locked and loaded and ready to take the bastards on.

    I’ve always liked you and respected you and now I know my instincts can be trusted. – bfh
    Sorry about injecting a comment within your comment. You had 10 thumbs up to one thumbs down as of my edit. -bfh

  48. @govlawyer — you wrote: “First off, until the convention vote, nobody is the nominee…sorry to spoil it for you Trumpers, but that is a legal fact.”

    A “legal” fact only because the various Secretaries of State for each of the states must first verify and validate the election and its outcome. And “legal” only in the sense that the convention must proceed through the business of the convention, including a roll call, if necessary. But attempting to separate the letter from the spirit of the law is usually a ploy reserved for those wishing to do something wrong.

    Am I to understand, by the way in which you state it, that you would support a technical, a “legal”, win that does not reflect the actual votes cast by voters for the candidate they chose? I hope not, because one of the angles those within the GOP and the Cruz campaign are proposing is a convention rules change that would accomplish just that.

  49. First thing. I have thumbed nobody on this thread.

    Second thing, I am a Cruz sycophant, No surprise there. Also, I m not a big Trump fan…y’all are shocked to hear that right?

    Now to the story. This idea is asinine! I do not believe Cruz is any part of this, and he needs to come out now and make that very clear. I am an avid Cruz supporter and I believe he will be our President in 2020, but if he supported this move, I would instantly become a Cruz hater. Is it possible that the GOPe are going to nominate Cruz over Trump at the convention to destroy both in one move? We already know that they would rather have Hiliary over either Trump or Cruz. Again, I say loud and clear, Trump should be the nominee at the convention*. Let the voters decide!

    *unless he shoots somebody on 5th avenue between now and the convention.

    Now, be prepared for my next comment….

  50. AA–you and Czar tag teamed me on a couple of occasions, with a little help from Brad (I believe) and another guy who I haven’t seen in a while. The point is that even if I or many of us weren’t on board with your guy, we had valid reasons to distrust him (BTW, I still don’t trust him or his hairdo)that were hard to put aside–and that didn’t make me GOPe–we (you and I) were and are more akin philosophically than you’d care to imagine–and we start from the same point of not trusting “our betters”.
    Until Trump sews up the nomination in an actual vote at the convention, until that vote is taken and certified, he cannot claim to be anything but the presumptive nominee. You argue the spirit of the law, but I can tell you that unless it’s written down and codified, the spirit of the law is not usually persuasive in court–I’ve had the spirit argument shoved up my butt on a couple of occasions at the appellate level to remind me. And usually, the spirit of the law is presented by the side getting served the crap sandwich.
    Primary elections are not on the same plane as the general elections due to there being 50 State election rules that govern the contests, not uniform federal ones that govern in November–in NY for example, you have to be a pubbie to vote in the GOP primary (but in many states you don’t) on primary day. Talk about an opportunity for mischief–remember Operation Chaos in ’08?
    I would be surprised if Cruz would participate in something like this, for he knows full well that not only wouldn’t the Trump people support him, he knows he’d lose guys like me who weren’t happy he lost, but respect the process even if we don’t like or want to vote for the victor(whether they do or not is up to their consciences).
    That is why I say I’d be standing next to you, locked and loaded. Elections have to mean something and they should get that meaning in an honest way, not the product of some skulduggery in the back rooms.

  51. AA, if Trump gets hissy and walks, as he has promised to do in the past if things don’t go as he wishes at the convention, then Cruz would be the likely nominee.
    That would NOT be the GOP forcing someone else on us, it would be Trump forcing it. The GOP is not going to not field a candidate.
    This is far from idle speculation as this entire concept originated from Trump back when no one else was talking about it. He has been clear that this is a very possible situation.
    I know you chose what to believe and what to ignore when it comes from Trump’s mouth, but a lot of people, myself included, put weight to everything he says.

  52. JohnS — you wrote: “AA, if Trump gets hissy and walks, as he has promised to do in the past if things don’t go as he wishes at the convention, then Cruz would be the likely nominee.”

    You still haven’t said what you think about an election in which the party and not the voters choose the nominee.

    Seriously, where are you getting the notion that Donald Trump is going to walk out of the convention? He has no motivation to do that. He is the nominee unless there is a substantive rules change that denies him and the voters legal nomination.

  53. Trump is the Republican Presidential nominee, for better or worse. It’s better if he defeats Clinton, it’s worse if he loses to the worst Democrat nominee in recent history. What has many people concerned is Trump’s inability to focus on defeating Clinton. He can’t stop being himself. His verbal assault on the judge caused a number of prominent Republicans to question his judgment. I don’t know how he can get elected if he doesn’t have the support of the party he is representing. If he can overcome this FUBAR, he might get elected, but I don’t think he can get off target many more times without it crippling his chances. There is so much wrong with Clinton, that it should be easy to make the case that she is unfit for office, and Trump keeps running off at the mouth. Oh, right, that’s what makes him so attractive to his supporters. He’s so authentic. He’s so unique. He’s so refreshing. He’s so different. He might just might pull it off, but I doubt it.

  54. @GovLawyer — Please do forgive me for my past insults. Though not an excuse, I think it can be safely said that there have been a lot of insults and hurt feelings here over these issues.

    You sort of lost me about the “our betters” part, but no worries. I’m not a lawyer, but I do know the process of representative gov’t and elections in both a technical sense and practical application. My reference to the spirit of the law really refers back to the Bible and to Shakespeare. So I had to smile when you gave me your own examples. I think we can agree both are necessary and important. My viewpoint had to do with being less of a Pharisee and, well you probably get it.

    I do hope we aren’t crossing paths on those three percenter blogs. 🙂

  55. ” What has many people concerned is Trump’s inability to focus on defeating Clinton.”

    Huh? Did you not hear his speech on Tuesday night?
    Please watch the one he’s giving on Monday and report back.

  56. AA, Durring Tuesdays speech he said Monday or Tuesday, but since then FOX has referenced Monday several times. Barry announced today after his meeting with Bernie that he really wanted to see Hitlary as president and then immediately had a meeting with his AG. Any guesses what that was about?

  57. i was cruz all the way and gave him at least a 1000.00. as far as i’m concerned the people have spoken and our nominee is trump. i will vote for him to keep the criminal out. do i think he is the answer to all of our problems? no. cruz was the better choice, and that will be apparent before trumps 1st term is over. and o course all the shit in chitcago and san jose just convinced me i was making the right choice. let’s just pull the handle on this, and get the show started is where i’m at

  58. It is the prompter talking now, not Trump. That is why he sounds so great.
    He is turning into a reader rather than a leader. He rightfully trashed those who use teleprompters, what good is listening to a man speak another man’s words?
    Just as when Barry speaks on his own, he sounds nothing like when on the prompter, so is Trump now.
    This move is a very bad one, Hillary will beat him hard with his statement that anyone using a prompter has no business running for president.
    To this day, I still believe Trump’s goal is the nomination, not the job of president.
    And AA, I am ignoring your question because it is bizarre and has no connection to the conversation going on here.

  59. No matter what Trump says in any serious speech he gives between now in the election, his spontaneous comments will be what undecided, independent voters remember. It’s long past time for Trump to start proving he is fit for the office he’s running for as the Republican nominee.

  60. Marco, Jee dude, his spontaneous remarks are part of what I like about the guy. He doesn’t take any shit off anybody. And he will pro all be making a lot of them, and tweeting a lot once in office just to get congress to do something

  61. John, this could be your most incoherent statement to date.
    Please explain —

    >>>AA, if Trump gets hissy and walks, as he has promised to do in the past if things don’t go as he wishes at the convention, then Cruz would be the likely nominee.
    That would NOT be the GOP forcing someone else on us, it would be Trump forcing it. The GOP is not going to not field a candidate.
    This is far from idle speculation as this entire concept originated from Trump back when no one else was talking >>>

    “If things don’t go his way…”
    Like what? Not enough balloons to drop from the ceiling?
    The only thing that would make him walk out is if the nomination is being taken from him.
    So you follow that up with, “that wouldn’t be the GOP forcing someone else on us, it would be Trump forcing it .”

    Let’s distill this incoherence down one more time and see if it makes any sense.

    “If the GOP takes the nomination away from Trump it will be Trumps fault because the nomination was taken away from him.”

    Complete gibberish.

    Short of having the nomination taken away, wtf is going to make him walk out?

  62. Trump can’t win without Independent voters turning out in large numbers and voting for him. He’s got my vote and about eighty percent of the Republican voters. The only way he gets elected is if there is a very low Democrat turnout. Every time Trump insults someone personally, he loses voters. Why is it so distasteful to his supporters to expect Trump to act presidential now that he has locked up the nomination?

  63. BFH Trump is a bull in a china shop. That is why he attacks popular GOP politicians if they refuse to kiss his ring.
    At the convention, not only are a lot of people going to be telling him no, there is going to be a lot of power brokering that won’t be going his way. If he goes back to his ‘my way or the highway’ bit there will be people there that will point out where the door is and tell him to either shut up or use it.
    The GOP is not set up to allow a Richard Tuber at the convention.

  64. @Marco — Fewer people vote in the primaries, especially the caucusi than in the November vote. Upthread is the math on what is now a big story — vote totals. He’s already way ahead on historic turnout for Hispanics and African-Americans. They haven’t counted the Asians, but he has an strong lead there, too. Independents are going for Trump over Clinton — those are the disaffected D’s and they’re not voting D again. Plus the D’s are down big time.

    See Sundance at Conservative Treehouse for something called The Monster Vote.

  65. Fur, Seriously. JohnS just makes this stuff up as he goes along. His only reason for being here is to disrupt. He’s a real troll. They do exist. I’m sure you know this so I am wondering if you play along with him just for fun. It’s such a perverse activity!

  66. I’m damn glad he is a bull in the china shop. The so called popular republicans need to get gored. So a Senate (elephants) committee is working on a spending bill right now that completely funds obamacare until Obama leaves office. Fucking traitors! Send in the bull!

  67. The bottom line, you AGD’s (Above-Ground-Dwellers), is… you don’t want to within 30 miles of Cleveland, Ohio starting the second week of July, if there is even a hint of nomination shenanigans. 👿

  68. @AbigailAdams: About 50 posts or so ago, you asked something along the lines about what I felt about the Republicans currently in office basically supporting Obama’s agenda, and does this indicate that they would participate in or encourage a “revolt.” My answer is no, and for a very cynical reason – politicians exist to be re-elected, and place their self-interest above everything else. I believe this principle is largely true for first time officeholders, and absolutely true for any legislator who has been in office for two or more terms.

    Hewitt is not in public office. Romney is not in public office. Reibus is not in public office. They can say whatever the hell they want, and the voters cannot do anything about it. But Ryan, Cruz, Kasich, and virtually all of the other Republican primary candidates were, and are professional politicians, and their self interest dictates that they have nothing to do with any “revolt.”

    What is disconcerting is that Cruz, Ryan, and any other Republican politician rumored to be part of a convention deal do not come out and clearly and publically state “no”(although to be fair I think Ryan has done this). Their self interest should tell them that this would not only be the end of their political careers, but would severly damage the Republican Party, which is the base upon which their legislative careers are built.

    So what about Bernie Sanders – wasn’t he trying to do the same thing? No, Bernie isn’t even really a Democrat – he didn’t even register for the party until 2015. Bernie has always been a crankly old socialist loon from Vermont who prided himself on being an independent, and his political base does not depend upon Bernie being a “good Democrat.” Perhaps the only person more surprised by Sanders’ success at the polls than anyone else was Sanders.

    As I said before, I’m sure that trying to wrest the nomination from Trump at the convention is tempting to Cruz, Ryan, Bush, and others – but at the end of the day these people know it would be political suicide, and their sense of self interest will not permit them to do this.

  69. AA-

    I’m way late in the game to respond to you and after speed reading I’m at a loss of where the thread is now versus where it started. Here are my thoughts for what it is worth.

    Since Indiana I have tuned out and turned off. I reached my Zen that “its not about Trump its about stopping Hillary. Just the other day I was reading another blog about Trump and this Judge and the consensus there as Trump has lost his mind for calling the Judge out. So I decided I needed to read up on it. Low and behold this Federal Judge has connections to La Raza and I pointed out on that form that I don’t care where the guy was born or how great of a Judge he is if he has ties to La Raza and I was standing before him for a speeding ticket I would want another Judge based on the fact that I do not belong to “the race”. Now from there I was given links to news stories about how the Judge belong to a Lawyer group La Raza and it was not the “racist La Raza” but that ‘non racist La Raza’ had links on their offical website to the racist “La Raza”. I then made this observation: If news broke that a Republican appointed Federal Judge was ties to a group called “white Power” but was not the racist “white power” but the non racist “white power” had a link on their website to the racist “white Power” that judge would be removed from his post post haste. As in two weeks and if the Dems held the House and the Senate he would be impeached in 2 days. I added that we have reach a state where La Raza does not mean La Raza, Jihad means sticking to your diet and murdering babies is a choice; George Carlin would not make this twisted world up if he wanted to.

    I find it completely outrageous that a Federal Judge passed the Senate while having ties to a racist organization. Any organization and I want the same standard applied to all regardless of who appointed the Judge. For me it is not about Trump. This is a classic example of taking what the MSM and Hillary has to say about Trump and turn it back on them and force them to eat their hypocrisy. I would add a does of ‘I was under the impression that the dream is that everyone should be judge by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, or in this case if they belong to The Race. I would also add that La Raze has a motto that translates to “For the race everything for those not of the race nothing” and ask 1. how could any judge associated with that group still be a judge and 2. how could anyone still think Hillary is a viable candidate because she has gone to La Raza rallys! Call Hugh Hewitt and hammer those points but be polite and that will move the ball in the direction we want.

    We have the tools to destroy the left. They have constructed a P.C. world that is impossible for anyone to live up to but they are crossing the lines with impunity because they believe those lines to not apply to them. What we need to do is ignore Hugh Hewitt if he makes you mad while you are doing that I will ignore Hannity. I hope we both can listen to Prager. It’s more than fine that we let off steam with each other here. After all, we all want the same thing- for Hillary to be defeated. But when we are out there in the real world and we are advocating for our goal I would just ask you to pay attention to your audience and realize if there are @neverTrump types your zeal will only harden their resolve. I know because when I met my first nevertrumper I just laughed and said ‘yeah, I don’t like him either but be honest, if it comes down between Hillary and Trump you will vote for Hillary and to my shock came a simple “I will not vote for Trump”. That is when I realized, for those of us who understand a Hillary POTUS, we have a lot of work ahead of us and it is going to take patience, long suffering and gentile persuasion.

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