(The Center Square) –
Arsonists have been caught on camera lighting fires across Los Angeles as the city burns, highlighting the role of crime and homelessness in the area’s deadly wildfires.
In 2023, City Journal reported on how the Los Angeles Fire Department spent approximately $427 million of its $854 million total on homeless-related fires; two years earlier, a Los Angeles Times analysis found more than half of all fires LAFD responded to were associated with homelessness.
Podcaster and Stanford professor Andrew Huberman captured a video of what appear to be arsonists in dark clothing setting a fire in Santa Monica, an urban area well beyond the evacuation zone and far from any active wildfires.
At my advanced age, coming from a time of common sense and a less urban setting it amazes me that people who work and live in these areas vote for “leadership” who would allow / encourage an essentially feral species to take over their home. In my part of the country citizens simply would not tolerate it and our “leaders” know this. I will assume it is a matter of values.
The Democrats deliberately and systematically enabled that too. Particularly the governor and Mayor. Being as each and every last human element that contributed to what we are witnessing having the same fingerprints all over it, the suggestion that this was not deliberate is ludicrous and that to start assigning blame is unjustified is an untenable notion to even bring up.
I’m skeptical….
Sid – At my somewhat advanced age, when I look in the mirror the 25 year old in me says:”What the hell happened” but when the same 25 year old sees what’s going on today and screams:”What the fuuuuuuuuuuk is happening!!”
What you are seeing Sid is the power of brainwashing by the Left. It works, that’s why they use it, especially on the young when it gets implanted at an early age. Since it has been going on for a few generations some of these kids are in positions of power today! And what people also need to realize is that what is going on in California right now is not really political as much as it is criminal and these people in power need to be arrested and have the entire book thrown at them!
I’m trying to think what would happen if we caught someone setting a fire on our Cul-de-sac. Hmmmm. Thinking. Oh wait I know, we’d shoot his ass. Dead. WTF people?
When we first moved here, acre parcels, no landscape, one of the idiots here was fire bottle rockets off into the vacant field behind all the homes. Dead grass hip high. The rest of us reached him all about the same time. It’s a good thing we forgot to bring a rope. Last time he tried that shit. He sold out and moved shortly after that. Bay Area transplant. Flat lander.
A functional civilization would shoot looters and arsonists on sight. The fucking democrats are literally more likely to arrest people for protecting their own homes.
Had this been going on in an area that is solidly conservative the news coverage would have been nonstop recriminations even if the blame were not justified. I can guarandamntee it. I’m hoping that the Trump team is putting together montages and gearing up to ram this shit straight back down the bastard’s throats. We already know that Republican establishment has been meeting in the smoky back rooms and bathhouses in and around Sacramento and Washington DC giving the guilty a reach around while nibbling on their ear and assuring the Democrats what they already knew. I.e. the Democrats they could depend on the Republican establishment to do their part to shift blame onto others who had no part in it.
Homeless a-holes started a fire in Atlanta that destroyed a freeway a few years back.
– shoot looters and arsonists on sight –
Anymore these days over half the country will back you up!
They just recently stated: “We’re tired of your shit Carl”
I’m pretty sure they’re tired of coddling criminals!
Maybe historically, but I believe this is more illegal aliens than the homeless.
That’s what I’m reading. It seems to be very organized. And there are reports they’re using flame throwers.
… more illegal aliens than the homeless.
Yup! The homeless don’t have an axe to grind (hell, they’re out of it mmost of the time anyway) and aren’t organized!
Even if the LAPD caught someone in possession of a “blow torch” who was seen by half a dozen witnesses who said he was lighting stuff on fire, they’d probably just let him go for insufficient evidence.
Oh. That actually happened, didn’t it?
Here’s the problem, voters got rid of the mangina George Gascon, but the Socialist Affiliated city counsel got to elect their version of a Sheriff. You gotta arrest them before you can prosecute them.
You know, we’re letting them get away with it again. They’ve turned “addicts” and “mentally disturbed” into one word, “homeless”. And now even the word “homeless” is too harsh and icky. Hence, “the unhoused.”
Corolla so expertly pointed out last week that he and a very large number of his friends and acquaintances are now technically “unhoused”, but the word doesn’t apply to them. He and his friends will not be taking up residence in a refrigerator box or stolen tent, under a freeway overpass, because they haven’t burned every social bridge they ever had. His friends will offer him their sofas and spare bedrooms because they’re not worried about him stealing their stuff or going on a chemically-induced rampage.
The big difference — and one that is long overdue in being named — is the Left’s “unhoused” don’t want to live by any rules of normal society. That’s why they’re “unhoused”.
I don’t know, Harry. Most of the urban fires around Seattle are started by “the unhoused”. They’ve been burning stuff up for at least a decade; cooking meth over campfires, using torches to cut-up car and bicycle parts, etc. Illegals are more likely spending their days watching Pay-Per-View in their hotel rooms after a hard day of shoplifting. I don’t know why the “unhoused” aren’t in a bigger uproar over the allocation of “services.”
AA – True, but these are as you say these are urban fires that are easier to contain. I don’t see the urban homeless communing with nature setting fires out in the forrests. Sure, it can happen, however I more belive this is Illegal Alien/Collaborators/Invaders taking advantage of the winds to start fires with very little effort. We’re in a war and we are going to see a lot more destruction this year with an uphill fight with obstructionist democRATs to get this under control.