Art Institute Of Chicago Accused of Dismissing Docents For Not Being Diverse Enough – IOTW Report

Art Institute Of Chicago Accused of Dismissing Docents For Not Being Diverse Enough

Daily Wire

The famed Art Institute of Chicago fired all of its volunteer docents in early September, and allegedly they did so because the group of predominantly white, retired women was not “diverse” and “inclusive” enough.

The Art Institute of Chicago 2021-2022 Docent Council fired back on September 13 in a letter delineating the numerous contributions the docents had made over the years. They wrote:

We believe we were dismissed (1) because the museum’s perspective is that the current docent corps’ demographics do not meet the need of the strategic plan (2) the museum concluded that reengineering the docent program was a step towards achieving the museum’s important goal of creating a culture of diversity and inclusion. More

33 Comments on Art Institute Of Chicago Accused of Dismissing Docents For Not Being Diverse Enough

  1. How do you fire all a volunteer?
    Gonna sum brothers up in the hood.
    New Art Exhibit
    On Monday, May 25, 2020, a black criminal died of a Fentanyl overdose,
    With a police officer present.

  2. As a business owner, what’s better for your business?

    A) 122 volunteers that work for no payment and who are really good at their job because they have a passion for it.
    B) 122 $25/hr paid people that are there for a paycheck and are there because of their skin color

    What do you do?

    Well fire the A group for the B group, of course. Nevermind that hiring based on skin color is against the law, that’s just a pesky detail no one will hold you to unless you hire whites.

    Only in Lori Lightfoot’s city.

  3. “…The famed Art Institute of Chicago fired all of its volunteer docents…”

    Emphasis on VOLUNTEER. First of all, you can’t fire a volunteer, but that’s not my point. My point is, maybe your precious coveted diverse people don’t want to volunteer – if they wanted to be a docent, well, they would have volunteered.

    I know, I know, they were intimidated by white privilege and were afraid to volunteer. But by God, you’ll bring equity to the whitest of society by hook or by crook.

  4. This is a disgrace and a real insult to the work and passion those people gave.

    I used to go to the AIC a couple times each year, but stopped because the process of getting there is simply not safe.

    Lots of rich people on the North Shore bequeath their art collections to the AIC, which has the largest endowment in Chicago. Wonder if the cachet of the AIC and the willingness to participate/attend will be damaged. I’m guessing there is no upside to this.os

    What a foolish, short-sighted move. I expect Veronica will soon br treated to the same lack of respect.

  5. I was just telling my wife the other day that it’s really about time for the liberal elites to start picking on older retired white women. Especially the ones who have a passion for what they do & work for nothing.

  6. Go into the Negro baseball museum, fire all the non-paid black volunteers, replace them with whites now paid 25 per hour…

    Now you have diversity good and hard like you deserve it…

    Lucifer loves his minions, loves to use them. Look in the eyes of Mayor Gollum and tell me you don’t see a raging demon…

  7. Time to let my membership expire. Won’t be long before all the dead white male artists are expunged from the collections. Check out Veronica Stein on LinkedIn, the newly appointed head of the women’s board who engineered this.. Sh e is definitely not Gold Coast or North Shore typical. But I’m definitely not implying anything. We all know only white people can be racist.

  8. RadioMattM
    OCTOBER 17, 2021 AT 1:59 AM
    “If no minorities have been applying, then who do they expect to do the work now?”

    The National Guard Blacks Only Unit.

    They can do this in between nursing shifts, flying planes, driving trucks, and unloading ships.

    We’re your government.

    We don’t need you.

  9. I can see it now: “Dis paintin’ ova hea be done by some white mo fo and it be good and sheet. And ova dere is one that be old and need to be trashed and shheet. That blank spot on da wall was some ole paintin that my cuz Latreana be likin and took home.” This will work out well.

    be done by some white mo fo and it be good and shit. And ova dere is one that be old and need to be trashed and shheet.”

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  11. Well, speaking as a retired white woman, I’m still going to volunteer my time, but not for the woke organizations.
    It is very difficult to find and keep volunteers, even crappy ones. Good luck to the AIC. They are going to need it!

  12. @Tony R October 17, 2021 at 10:20 am

    Here is the organization that she came from:

    I’m sure she’s “uniquely” qualified to oversee The Classics.

    Dumbass woke white liberals will destroy themselves and this country, but will feel good about themselves while doing so.

  13. Looks like Lightfoot et al are bringing in the Loudoun Virginia school board to run the museum. One can expect to see drag queen docents. Use of any restroom will require the person to be wearing a dress. And the art will now feature displays from the life of father Pfleger, the very reverend Wright and Calypso Looie Farrakhan. Special events will include screenings of the latest rap videos.

  14. Ummmmmm……and just WHO was it that “HIRED” these volunteers? And now that same organization is bitching that those same volunteers aren’t diverse enough? Look in the mirror. You’ll see an excellent example of “irony” and “hypocrisy” in the same image.

  15. “Hiring” volunteers (preferably hoodrat) for a famed and sophisticated art museum.
    Guaranteed another money laundering/kickback/grifting scheme for Mayor Lizardface and crew.

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