Articles of Impeachment Against Rosenstein – IOTW Report

Articles of Impeachment Against Rosenstein

9 Comments on Articles of Impeachment Against Rosenstein

  1. Does anyone seriously think Trump would allow this man to remain if RR wasn’t doing what Trump wants?! This indirectly aids the GOPe (similar to what Judicial Watch has done recently) by forcing Trump’s hand.

  2. Extort the lying weasel right out of the Justice Department and impeach him. He appointed Mueller and let him jump the boundaries of his investigation, without any evidence that a crime had actually been committed by anyone in the Trump election organization or the Trump Administration. Now he is dribbling out the evidence of real crimes and misdemeanors perpetrated by the Osmidigen Administration and Clintons. He should have been fired along with all of the other Swamp Denizens on day one.

  3. From what I hear, a lot of these bastards will soon have cages in Gitmo.
    They can paint the arrow pointing at my house where I will flip the bird in the return direction five times a day

  4. There are people who have been making threats, privately and publicly, against me for quite some time, and I think they should understand by now, the Department of Justice is not going to be extorted.

    You don’t need to look at anything else Rosenstein has said or done. This statement demonstrates his unwillingness to perform the duties of his job and his failure to obey Constitutional and legal orders. That right there is a firing offense.


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