Artificial Intelligence picks Buttigieg as ‘the candidate to beat Trump’ – IOTW Report

Artificial Intelligence picks Buttigieg as ‘the candidate to beat Trump’

WaEx: An artificial intelligence analysis of Friday night’s Democratic debate picked former Mayor Pete Buttigieg as the clear winner and said that voters believe he can beat President Trump.

The AI model Polly, a market research and predictive tool from Advanced Symbolics Inc., analyzed the debates and measured a sample of 11,227 New Hampshire voters to find that the former South Bend, Indiana, mayor achieved his goal in the debate of convincing people he could beat the president.

“Buttigieg had a strong first half. While the rest of the field attacked him, saying he wasn’t the right candidate to take on Trump, New Hampshire voters disagreed. Polly’s results showed that three-quarters of a percent of New Hampshire voters came to Buttigieg’s camp after he made a strong case why he was the candidate to beat Trump,” said ASI Chief Scientist Kenton White in his report shared with Secrets.

Polly still has Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders leading in its AI poll, but the former mayor has a firm grip on second while former Vice President Joe Biden’s chances are dimming. read more

SNIP: Idiots.

15 Comments on Artificial Intelligence picks Buttigieg as ‘the candidate to beat Trump’

  1. Poncy Pete is the best living testament to the genius of the Founding Fathers’ creation of the Electoral College and the difficulty of amending the United States Constitution to create a popularly elected President and Vice President. Without the Electoral College, we might end up with this deviant.

  2. Buttplug ain’t winning shit. Hell, even illegals won’t be voting for him. They can scream from the rooftops all they want that queers are accepted, it doesn’t make it so.
    If he’s appointed the Democrat’s nominee, it’s only because the party leaders really hate Bernie not because he actually got the votes.

  3. Who was the computer genius behind this, HAL, a bunch of Daleks (EXTERMINATE!), the Borg-You will assimilate or else… Petey boy has no chance whatsoever of ever becoming President. An openly homosexual queer like Petey with a wife/husband doesn’t stand a chance of beating President Trump ever. Not even if the left’s wildest wet dream.

  4. A gay man with “Butt” in his name pronounces it like that? It’s the worst adjustment since John Boehner pronounced his name Bay-Ner, rather than what it is, “BONER.”

    Generally, a short vowel precedes a double consonant if they are the same consonant.

    It’s not: B-oo-t-i-jedge
    it’s more accurately: B-uh-t-i-j-eye-guh

    *short “u” before double consonants
    soft “g” before “i,e,y”
    “ie” = long “i”
    single “g” at the end of a word is a hard “g” (-ge would = a “j” sound)

  5. This is a perfect example of what computer scientists call GIGO, or “Garbage In, Garbage Out”.

    BTW, the correct pronunciation of Buttigieg is “NOT-thuh- PREH-suh-dint”.

  6. The last sodomite fouling the White House wasn’t quite enough to suit the virtue signalers out there, now they want one that doesn’t bother to thinly disguise his perversions.
    Makes one wonder what sort of freak they’ll want next.

  7. This AI Suck!
    Now that I got Peter Buttplug’s attention…
    When I was eight I covered a box with tin foil and pretended to be a robot.
    This “AI” is about the same thing: Propaganda wrapped up in a computer projecting someone’s influence.


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