Artist Forced to Prove He Didn’t Do Painting – IOTW Report

Artist Forced to Prove He Didn’t Do Painting

Retired Canadian corrections officer, Robert Fletcher, claims that he bought a painting off a young man being held in Thunder Bay corrections facility for $100. Now he believes it’s an early work by Peter Doig, whose paints can fetch up to $25 million.

Only Mr. Doig disputes the claim and since there is so much possible money at stake a federal judge is allowing the case to go court. The artist and his lawyer claim the work was actually done by Peter Doige, and will have to present evidence that the famous artist (without the e) was never in Thunder Bay while the less famous artist was (with the extra e).


8 Comments on Artist Forced to Prove He Didn’t Do Painting

  1. His paintings routinely sell upwards of $10 million???? Motherfuck. They’re interesting and I’m a life long artist, love oils but upwards of $10 MILLION!!!!

    Well god bless ’em I guess. Bless the Fed too for pouring trillions of fairy dust money into our economy. It’s gotta go somewhere.

  2. Must be nice to be a living artist and have people willing to pay big bucks for your work while you can still paint more. Must be the closest thing to the Fed in this world.

  3. redacted – i agree……this one looks nothing like the acknowledged paintings’ style/s…….weird coincidence of almost the same name, both from scotland, both painters, though….

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