Artist Sues The Smithsonian For Refusing To Display His 16-Foot Trump Painting – IOTW Report

Artist Sues The Smithsonian For Refusing To Display His 16-Foot Trump Painting

Design Taxi-

A MAGA artist has decided to appeal his lawsuit against the Smithsonian Institution, in addition to National Portrait Gallery director Kim Sajet, after the US District Court in DC threw out the case for his painting to be displayed at the institution.

Portraitist Julian Raven’s 16-foot artwork titled Unafraid and Unashamed—which depicts a giant Trump head with a falling American flag being rescued by a bald eagle in space—is so extraordinarily patriotic, it served as the backdrop for the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February, and incited attendees to flock over for selfies.

Despite the popularity of the painting, its artist has grappled with convincing the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery to display Unafraid and Unashamed.

According to court documents, Raven first requested for the artwork to be put up at the Rockwell Museum, an affiliate of the Smithsonian, following Donald Trump’s inauguration in 2017. When that didn’t work out, he turned to the National Portrait Gallery, confident that it deserved a spot alongside portraits of the nation’s other presidents.

To his dismay, the gallery’s director, Kim Sajet, commented that it was “too political” and “too big.”

“The last thing she said to me was ‘It’s no good,’” he recalled.


ht/ illustr8r

7 Comments on Artist Sues The Smithsonian For Refusing To Display His 16-Foot Trump Painting

  1. Glenn Beck would buy that.

    Artists shouldn’t be able to sue their way in to museums or galleries, just as artists shouldn’t be forced to create works against their will.
    But, if lefties can sue cake artists, this is a perfect counterpount. Maybe even a better case, if this ‘starving artist’ pays taxes and thereby supports the National Gallery and the Smithsonian… Those curators didn’t build that! Won’t the ACLU take up his case?

  2. No one can force a gallery to display anything if they don’t want to. If that were true, every parent would be able to force them to display their brat’s crayon stick portrait of mommy, daddy, and muffins the kittycat.

    If this artist can force them to display his patriotic painting, someone else can force them to display a painting of a satanic orgy complete with children being violated, no matter how vile and disgusting. Be careful what you ask for.


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