Artist vows to destroy $45mn worth of art if Assange dies – IOTW Report

Artist vows to destroy $45mn worth of art if Assange dies

Masterpieces by Picasso and Rembrandt will allegedly be dissolved in acid if the WikiLeaks co-founder dies in prison.

7 Comments on Artist vows to destroy $45mn worth of art if Assange dies

  1. There was a Law and Order episode in S19 about 3 holy rollers who had to log in to their server, or it would send out emails presuming the Rapure had occurred. It didn’t end well.

    Best line in that show was Anthony Anderson, being confronted that the Rapture was occurring, saying, “I’m still here.”

  2. I like the concept, and his comment that he envisions it as an invitation to reflect on why destroying a person’s life “means nothing, but destroying art is a huge taboo in the world.”

    Problem is, the Powers That Be don’t care about art; it’s just a tool for status and money laundering. If they really cared about art, they would commission beautiful works, not just trade abstract ugly canvases. If these works get destroyed, it’s a loss to the collective culture of the world, but it will just make the remaining works by these artists (some of which are owned by PTB) worth more.

    Still, it’s a nice gesture, gets some publicity for Assange’s situation, and it’s good to see some people in the art world on the right side of things.

  3. I can understand destroying the Picassos – but not the Rembrandts.
    Picasso was about on par with Hunter Biden – leftist bullshit through and through.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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