As COVID vaccine sales decline, Pfizer cuts out full year earnings and revenue guidance – IOTW Report

As COVID vaccine sales decline, Pfizer cuts out full year earnings and revenue guidance


Pfizer announced earlier this week that the company had cut its full-year earnings due to decreasing demand for COVID-19 products. 

According to CNBC News, Pfizer expects $58 billion to $61 billion in sales for 2023, which is down from the previous guidance of $67 billion to $70 billion.  

The company also added a prediction that revenue from the COVID treatment Paxlovid will be $7 billion lower than anticipated.

The sales of the updated COVID-19 vaccine are also expected to be lower.Β  more

10 Comments on As COVID vaccine sales decline, Pfizer cuts out full year earnings and revenue guidance

  1. Gee I wonder why? Israel was first in line for the jab – they just had to be first. Okay with me because I was never going to be first or last or anywhere inbetween. This is the second covid poster kid who died, they’re running out of volunteer props.

    Israeli boy featured in COVID vaccine campaign dies of heart attack at age 8

  2. u2 can have clots, early death, graphene oxide, immune system destruction, misc. injuries, myocarditis, & more for a nominal fee. our vaxx-death coordinators are standing by to expedite your personal population reduction efforts. your participation will even enhance royalties to communist dicksuckers.

    -dr. feces/fauci

  3. @ the sheriff is near Sunday, 15 October 2023, 14:21 at 2:21 pm,
    I know people still getting boosted! Cannot convince them otherwise..

  4. For those wondering, I’m not anti vax. Commies and America hating leftist, all radical homos, most of Hollywood, leftist teachers, everyone in the MSM, and all those in the medical trades who believe in the suicide jabs should get all the shots and boosters they want. Remdesivir too. Good thing they’re smart enough to stay away from horse paste. S/O for now.

  5. My 4th Vaxed sister in law is Home with the COOF as we speak.

    Remind me to Send Pfizer & Moderna a Box of Chocolates. It was a very peaceful weekend while she was Self Isolating.


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