As Democrats Claim Voter ID Is Racist, New Poll Shows Nearly 70% of Blacks Support It – IOTW Report

As Democrats Claim Voter ID Is Racist, New Poll Shows Nearly 70% of Blacks Support It

WJ: Democrats are crying racism after Georgia Republicans added a voter ID requirement to make the state’s elections more secure. The only problem is that the vast majority of those polled — including black and minority voters — support that new measure.

Earlier this month, the Georgia state Senate passed S.B. 202 that included commonsense measures like tightening procedures for polling locations and requiring voters to present identification to request and cast absentee ballots.

Democratic critics have charged that the bill is voter suppression fueled by white supremacy, using the default accusation that has become their Pavlovian response to all Republican-initiated legislation. read more

11 Comments on As Democrats Claim Voter ID Is Racist, New Poll Shows Nearly 70% of Blacks Support It

  1. “Democratic critics have charged that the bill is voter suppression fueled by white supremacy,”

    Just listen to how silly all this sounds. Political hatred for nothing more than hates sake.

    This is what America calls representation..?

  2. Common sense is no longer common nor makes sense.

    What is wrong with these people? Has rational thought left the planet?

    Isn’t always knowing someone is the key to insuring the rights and privileges due them?

    How many times do we hear of a politician being questioned who responds “Do you know who I am?”


  3. Democrats know people of color, whether brown or black are to stupid to be able to get a state id. Right?!?!? That’s why they say voter id laws are racist right?

    So who’s the real racist here? Please start from the beginning and explain it to me again….. something doesn’t make sense with what you’re trying to sell me

  4. You can’t find one politician with enough spine to defend our nation and say he’s had enough of this shit.

    That’s why they ALL suck rectum and should be buried in an open pit, far far away from any honors, eg Arlington, etc.

  5. The elephant in the room has always been that most all Americans are willfully ill-informed, brow-beaten constantly by a lying traitorous Press, therefore fully unqualified to vote at all.

    True democracy is bullshit, the Greeks gave up on it 40 years after they invented it. Because people are determined to be the least they can be. The Founders knew. That’s why they didn’t think the vote should be in the hands of anyone who didn’t have skin in the game, such as landowners and war veterans.

    Excuse me while I check the mailbox for my ‘stimulus’ payoff. Biden promised (lol) it would be in my hands STAT. It’s April. lol

  6. Democrats have nothing to offer black people except condescension and disdain. Those who don’t drink the Kool Aid get contempt thrown in at no additional charge.

    Actually, that goes for all followers of the progressive movement, particularly establishment Republicans.

  7. If the statistics are real, it just proves the warped, schizo political personality of liberal black Americans.
    Culturally, they support BLM a communist organization created to destroy crime deterrent systems like the courts and police.
    Yet, at the same time want police protection from their own high crime communities they caused themselves. They can’t have it both ways.


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